Chapter 16

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On the ride back to the trailers Dante and Abby were chatting up a storm while you Aidan and Kelly were talking.
You and Aidan were basically telling her your guys childhood together.
"wow that is so cool, it sounds like a movie or something! i mean i can't believe that this is actually real and that actually happened. You've know him your whole life???" Kelly asks stunned.
"yep, he's been there since day one" you tell her.
"i wish i could say the same buuuuut i'm a few months older" Aidan says while brushing his shoulder.
"you always say that" you say pushing him.
"well it's trueeee" he says with a smug look on his face.
"you guys would make a great couple" Kelly says.
You and Aidan look at eachother.
"actually y/n is dating someone else" Aidan says (not denying that you'd make a great couple ;)).
"oh yeah uh that was the other surprise. his name is Cameron" you say with a nervous laugh.
"ABIGAIL RAE!!" Kelly snaps.
"oh what?"
"bruh quit focusing so much on Dante and focus on the real reason you came! you missed y/n's and Aidan's whole backstory because you were too focused on Dante" Kelly tells Abby.
"oh uh sorry, i didn't realize how much Dante was distracting me, i'll listen now though" she says in an apologetic tone.
"hey don't get mad at her for talking to me, i mean what's so bad about that?" Dante asks.
"she didn't come to see you DaNtE, she came to see y/n" Kelly says behind her teeth that she was trying to keep a smile on.
"okay gEeZ, i'll talk to her another time" Dante says.
"as i was saying, y/n is dating someone!" Kelly exclaims "and it's not Aidan" she says in a whisper.
"whattt, but they seem so perfect" Abby responds with a whisper.
"you guys realize everyone in the car can hear you right" you point out.
"uhhhhhhhh STOP LISTENING!" Abby says.
"obviously if we're whispering you shouldn't be listening" Kelly says.
"uh okay" you say shrugging your shoulders.
The rest of the ride the five of you talk as a group.

You arrive back to your trailer with your friends.
"ayo i'm gonna head back to my own trailer, there's some things i need to get done but i'll see you guys at the party tomorrow" Dante says while walking away.
"see ya Dante" Aidan yells to him.
"we need to go shopping before tomorrow!!" Abby says.
"yeah we need to get cute outfits for the party!" Kelly says.
"well it's more of a casual party" you tell them.
"can we still go shopping??" Kelly asks.
"please" Abby says.
"pleaseeeee" Aidan adds.
"Aidan i didn't know you wanted to go shopping."
"i just wanted to say please but shopping does sound fun" he says thinking to himself.
"we should invite your new boyfriend y/n!!" Abby exclaims.
"well he's not my boyfriend yet" you say.
"yEt" Aidan says in a kinda mocking kinda jealous kinda joking tone.
"yes invite him!!" Kelly says.
"i'd also want to invite Alana, Eden, and T.J." you say.
"and Dante" Abby says.
Everyone just stares at Abby after she said that.
"Abby" Kelly says in a soft tone. "i know he may be cute, but you don't even know the boy, and you're only here for a week or so, so just don't get too attached okay?"
"i guess you make a good point, i am only here a week" Abby said with a sigh.
"it doesn't mean you can't still hangout with him and be friends, just not now, he said he needed to get some things done" Aidan says.
"yeah we just don't want you to get hurt you know" you tell her.
"thanks for looking out for me guys."
"let's go ask Alana Eden and T.J. if they wanna come shopping" you say.

You head to Alana's trailer and knock on her door.
"y/n hey!"
"hey Alana we were probably going to go to the mall and i wanted to know if you'd want to join us" you ask.
"yes of course i would, just let me get ready."
"okay we'll be back here in about 10 minutes to pick you up" Aidan says while turning around on his heels.
"Kelly look!" Abby said while pointing at a sign on another trailer.
"ouuuu" Kelly knocks on the door.
"guys what are you doing?" you ask.
Just then you see Cameron answer the trailer door *oh no*.
"oh my gosh he's cute!! way to go y/n!" Kelly says.
"so you're y/n's boyfriend now?" Abby asks.
"i-" he starts.
Kelly and Abby start spit-firing questions at Cameron.
"what are your intentions with my friend?"
"how long have you known eachother?"
"when did you ask her out?"
"how did you get your jaw so perfect?"
"what do you like about y/n? and i don't wanna hear stupid basic answers"
"where are you going on a date?"
"have you kissed yet?"
"do you love her?"

"GUYS STOP!" you yell at your friends. "you're overwhelming him!"
"uh hey, i'm Cameron.... but you seemed to already know that" he said in a soft, confused tone.
"y'all better apologizeeee" Aidan said, he was enjoying watching all of this.
"I'm sorry about all of this Cameron they've just been really eager to meet you" you say apologetically.
"heyyyyy yeah we're sorry, we didn't mean to scare you" Kelly says.
"yeah there's just so many things we want to ask you" Abby adds.
"which now would be a great time to ask if he wants to go to the mall" Aidan adds trying to move this along.
You kinda smile at Aidan while rolling your eyes.
"Cameron would you like to come to the mall with us right now?" you ask.
"oh sure, can i get dressed first??" he asks.
"yeahhhh take your timeee, get ready" Kelly said winking at him.
"Kelly it's not a date for them" Abby says.
"oh. but stillllll" she says smirking at Cameron.
"and we're going now" you say pulling your friends away.
"we'll be back in like 5 minutes" Aidan tells Cameron.
The next place the four of you headed was over to Edens trailer.
You knock on the door and Eden answers.
"heyyyy girl what's up?" Eden starts "wait are these your friends??"
"yeah this is Abby and Kelly" you say while presenting them.
"oh heyyy Abby heyyy Kelly it's nice to meet you guys!!!" she says while shaking their hands.
"hiiiii" Kelly says while shaking her hand
"it's nice to meet you too" Abby says also while shaking her hand.
"we were wondering if you'd want to come to the mall with us" you tell Eden.
"that sounds like fun! when were you thinking?" she asks.
"like now ish" Aidan says.
"yesss bet!! let's go!" Eden says while jumping out of her trailer.
"okay so we need to go ask T.J. if she wants to come but we also need to go get Alana and Cameron so we need to split up" you say.
"i'll go get Alana and Cameron" Eden says.
"and i'll go with Eden because i wanna talk to Cameron more!" Kelly says.
Abby looks at you and Aidan and then says "yeah i'll go with Kelly and Eden."
"yesssss!" Eden exclaims.
"and Aidan can come with me to get T.J."
"okay and split!" Eden says while dragging Abby and Kelly over to Alana and Cameron's trailers.
You and Aidan start walking and then he asks
"what was that about?"
"Abby didn't wanna be with us. Does she not like me?"
"no no that's not it, i just think Abby can't see that we're best friends so she's trying to play matchmaker, she does it a lot."
"ohhhh i guess that makes sense."

You get to T.J.'s door and then knock.
"oh hi y/n hi Aidan!!" T.J. says excitedly while waving.
"hey T.J., y/n has her friends over and we're all going to the mall and we wanted to know if you'd join us" Aidan says.
"that sounds great!! let me grab my wallet!" she says while running to the back of her trailer and then back towards you guys.
"okay let's go!" you say.
"where is everyone?" T.J. asks.
"they went to get Alana and Cameron" Aidan explains.
"Alana? is that the makeup girl?" she asks.
"yeah!" you say.
"she's actually really nice" Aidan adds.
"yes she's so sweet to me while she does my makeup!" T.J. exclaims.
The three of you walk towards Alana and Cameron's trailers.
"i love your friends y/n!" Eden says as you approach.
"yeah and they're not just nice to me because Cameron is my brother they actually like me!" Alana adds.
"Cameron is your brother??" Abby asks.
"i can see the resemblance" Kelly says.
"i don't know why she doesn't have more friends, she's really amazing. it's just that nobody takes the time to get to know her" Cameron says while pulling her to a side hug.
"awwwww sibling goals!!" Abby says putting her hands against her heart.
"okay okay let's gooo" Alana says smiling while pushing Cameron off of her.

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