Chapter 17

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The eight of you walk around the mall and try on a ton of clothes.
Each of you picked out cute new outfits for the party.
"THATS SO CUTE ON YOU KELLY!!!" T.J. exclaims.
"you guys both look amazing!" Abby says
"look at you!!" Alana says.
"okay let's all agree that we all look ✨gorgeous✨" Eden says.
"i can agree with that" Kelly says.
"you guys act like we're going to prom" Aidan says.
"yeah it just a casual party, what did you guys pick out?" Cameron asked.
"just casual clothes" you say.
"cute, casual clothes" Abby adds.
"all i got was a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans" Cameron says.
"same here" Aidan says while raising his hand.
"well you do you but look at this cute top!" Alana shows it off.
"that is cute!!" T.J. says.
"hey we haven't seen y/n's yet" Abby points out.
"oh yeah y/n show us yours!" Alana says
"oh that's fine. all i got was a graphic tee so it's nothing special" you say.
"girl go try it on" Eden says.
"no that's okay, it's not as cute as your shirts" you explain.
"puh-lease, you make everything look cute y/n" Abby says very seriously.
"yeah!!! now go try it on!" T.J. says urging you to the fitting rooms.
"well i-" you start.
"come on y/n we all wanna see it" Aidan says looking at you.
"yeah" Cameron adds.
You look and see everyone practically begging you with their eyes.
"fine i guess" you say as you turn on your heels towards the fitting room.

You put on the graphic tee, on it read the words Sunset Curve (or it can look like whatever you want it to) and you step out of the dressing room.
"wow!!" Alana says.
"oh my gosh i'm in loveeee" T.J. says.
"that's so cute!!" Kelly says.
"bebs that looks so good on you!" Abby says.
"that looks great" Cameron says.
You look over and see Aidan on his phone, then you see Abby kick his shin.
"ow!" he looks up and sees you "whoa y/n, that looks amazing on you" he says admiring you. (you're too oblivious to think anything of it because you're bEsT fRiEnDs 🤦🏼‍♀️ open your eyes you silly goose 😂).
"awww thank you" you say flashing him a smile.
"can we all wear graphic tees to the party??" Eden asks.
"yeah we can pick some up for Blake, Dante, and Ethan too" Cameron says.
"yes!!" Kelly exclaims.
"everyone go pick out a graphic tee!!" T.J. says excitedly.
"Cameron, Aidan, the two of you are in charge of getting Dante, Ethan, and Blake shirts" Eden tells them.
"we can do that" Cameron says looking over at Aidan.
Aidan is still looking over towards you and Cameron notices and kind of taps him. "right Aidan?"
"oh uh right, Aidan says as he looks away from your direction and over at Cameron and Eden.
"Cameron you go ahead and start looking and Aidan will catch up" Eden says while pushing Cameron away.
"why didn't i just go with Cameron now, i don't have anything else to do" Aidan says confused.
"i needed to talk to you, or more like ask you a question" Eden explains.
"uh okay shoot" he says.
"do you like y/n?" she asks.
"yeah of course i do she's my best friend" Aidan explains.
"no, i mean do you like her as more than a friend."
"why would you ask that?"
"because i see the way you look at her, and nobody looks at their "best friend" that way."
"she's happy with Cameron" he says turning on his heels to walk away.
"AIDAN!" Eden yells over to him.
Aidan doesn't turn around but just keeps walking.

"hey what was that about" T.J. asks approaching Eden.
"don't say anything but i'm pretty sure Aidan likes y/n, i asked him and he dodged the question and walked away" Eden answers.
"oh my gosh really?? why doesn't he say anything to her?"
"well because all he wants is for her to be happy, after i asked if he likes her he said "she's happy with Cameron" and then left."
"awwww, that's so sweet" T.J. says putting her hand over her heart.
"shhh y/n's coming, this conversation never happened, okay??" Eden asks.
"okay" T.J. responds.
"hey guys did you find your shirts?" you ask.
"i got mine!" T.J. says holding it up.
"uh i haven't looked yet i was talking to a few people, i'll go find mine now" Eden says anxiously slipping away.
"what was that about?" you ask a little confused.
"was what about?" T.J. asks.
"Eden was acting a little weird" you point out.
"oh she was? didn't even notice" T.J. says.
"hey guys what's up?" Alana asks making her way over to you and T.J.
"at this point i don't know" you say.
"hey i'm gonna go find Eden, i need to talk to her" T.J. says running off.
"hmm that wasn't weird at all" Alana says sarcastically.
"yeah and Eden did the same thing" you tell her.
"really? it's like they're hiding something" she points out.
"why would they hide something though, and what's so big that both of them have to hide it?"
"i wouldn't worry about it too much, it's probably nothing."

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