Chapter 3

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*6 years later*

*ringggg* You close your books and head to the lunch room.
"Hey!! hey y/n wait up!"
You turn around and see one of your best friends, Kelly.
"oh hey Kelly!"
"so i was sitting in boring old math class" Kelly starts to rant "and then i was headed to go talk to the teacher about moving my seat again because the boy behind me breathes too loudly and it superrrrr annoying, and as i was heading up there i see a pamphlet in the recycling and of course i was curious about what it was so i grabbed it and it said that it was an audition pamphlet for some new show called The Umbrella Academy and you love acting and you're SO good at it, so i grabbed it for you" she said with a huge smile on her face while handing it to you.
You grab it and look down at it.
"Kelly, as fun as this sounds it says right here it's in Toronto, i don't have the kind of money to fly down to Toronto" you say looking to Kelly who still had a huge smile on her face.
"wellllll i kinda knew you'd say that so i may have texted my mom and my dad and your mom and your dad and got them all to agree and pitch in to send you" she said.
"Kelly I-" you started.
"come onnnnn y/n this is your chance!!" she interrupted.
"i just-"
"HEY ABBY" Kelly yelled across the lunch room interrupting you again.
"hey what's up?" Abby asked walking towards you.
Kelly hands her the pamphlet and explains everything.
"and y/n doesn't even know if she's gonna go" Kelly finished.
"i think you should go for it bebs" Abby said.
"well i guess i have no reason to not go so why not" you say.
"yuhhhhh, and when you get famous bring me and Kelly some hot dudes!!" Abby said excitedly.
"okay okay i will" you say while laughing "when do i have to be there" i ask looking down at the pamphlet.
"ooh it's right there" Kelly says pointing out the date.
"whoa, that's three days from now which means i gotta get ready" you say in a panic "will you guys come over to my house after school to help me get ready?"
"yeah of course" Kelly said.
"sure sounds fun" Abby said.
"thank you guys so much" you say bringing them into a hug.

(time skip to after school)
You and your friends Kelly and Abby are walking home with you.
"bro Kelly you keep smiling at your phone, what's up with that" Abby asks.
"oh uhhh it's nothing" Kelly said hiding her phone.
"come on Kelly you can tell us" you reassure her "is it a boy??"
"uhhhh maybeeee" she said while blushing.
"ouuuu who is it!?" Abby asked reaching for Kellys phone.
Kelly pulled her phone back more.
"his name is Wesley" she said while holding the phone against her heart.
"wAit!!, Wesley Stromberg?!?" you ask.
"yeah how did you know it was him?"
"he's alwayssssss staring at you during science!!!"
"oh my gosh you should ask him to be your lab partner!" Abby suggested.
"ahhhh idkkkkk" Kelly said getting all flustered.
"well do you like him" Abby asks.
"i think i do" Kelly responded.
"does your stomach get butterflies and your heart speed up when you hear his name?" you ask.
"yeahhh" Kelly said smiling.
"don't ignore your heart Kelly" you said.
"go for it!!!" Abby shouted.
"i'll ask him right now" Kelly said.


hey wesley, i was wonde-
ring if you would want to
be my lab partner.

hey kelly, i would love
the be your lab partner,
i was going to ask you
but i didn't know how
bc i didn't think you'd
say yes.

ouuuu yay!! i'll see you
at school on monday!!

"IM SO PROUD OF YOU" Abby yelled.
"awwww Kelly yay!! i'm so happy for you!!" you said.

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