After both had been appointed to commercial pilots by the Federal Aviation Administration, Lisa had secured her work for her parent’s airline.

Before their death, Jisoo had seen Lisa as regularly as they could, but she had always been aware of her background and the responsibility coming along with Lisa’s future.

“How come you know? Had it been broadcasted?” Lisa asked, pertaining to Suzy’s dismissal.

“No no.” She quickly assured. “I had the pleasure of finding her.”

“How did Roseanne…?” Lisa didn’t finish the sentence. The blonde was still on her mind, although she really wanted her not to be. She couldn’t afford the distraction. Not now, when she needed to learn as quickly as possible, everything about her parent’s business. Not ever, because she couldn’t afford love, not after last time.

“I don’t know, but she did find out and the rest is history. Well I thought at least. How ugly are we speaking?”

“She got ‘handsy’, in an aggressive way.”

“I see. Well, good you’d been around then.” She sighed and added in a light voice. “Since when do you pay attention to your surroundings?”

“I happened to walk by. I really hope I don’t regret helping her.” Lisa mused.

“Roseanne is really a good woman who never should have gone through something like that.”

“Guess so. Anyway, let’s get back to work.” Lisa deflected and fiddled with the radio to listen to the ATIS, ignoring Jisoo’s pointed look.

“Fine. Ok.” She said but quietened, so both could listen to the latest weather information.


Half an hour later, Roseanne had just finished stacking the prepared food for the business and first class in the allocated trolley, when she heard Lisa clearing her throat, her hand flat against the nearly closed cockpit door. She had stripped herself of the form-fitting uniform jacket and wore the mandatory white button down shirt tucked into her suit pants, with her sleeves rolled up over her elbows. Roseanne let her gaze wander quickly over the enticing body, whilst straightening up and facing her.

“Captain.” She acknowledged, in her typical raspy voice. “What can I do for you?” She asked politely with a friendly smile on her face. Her first impression might not have been the best, but she was eager to make her second appearance as business-like as possible, having her supervisor’s words in her ear.

“We’ve been informed of birds near the airport. We will have a 15-minute delay.” Lisa explained in her smooth, velvety voice, keeping her posture stern and gaze professional. ‘I’ve done this before. I can do it again. Just because Roseanne is exceptionally beautiful, it won’t change anything. I have to stay ahead of everything to fulfil my mission’, Lisa pep-talked mentally.

“Ok. I’ll inform the passengers as soon as they arrive.” Roseanne tried to sound as least affected as possible by Lisa, but the uniform, in combination with the enticing brown eyes made it difficult for her not to swoon over the new pilot.

However, after being involuntarily involved in a work scandal, she made sure to stick to the rules as tightly as possible. It would have been nicer, if Lisa wasn’t the new pilot. She had never thought she would see her again, but here she was. Maybe it was fate telling her to start over?

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