Robin x Doctor reader

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I read my magizine in the breakroom. To be honest, it was kinda mediocore. Nothing special. A little like my life. I dreamed of a more exciting life in my profession. Not just check-ups and the occasional behind the counter stuff. Stuff like surgury! Pulling out a defective, yet still beating, heart and putting in a new one!!! Yes!!! Too bad that will never happen. I hear the doors burst open and the sounds of muffled panic. I heard "Oragans were eaten" and "Losing a ton off blood". I got up to go see it. The patient's chest was ripped open and he was in fact, losing a lot of blood, but there was somthing else about him. He had mocha colored skin and dark green hair like velvet. His nose was wide and narrow at the same time. He was wisked away by the doctors before I could see anyhing else. "Holy hell." I wispered to myself.

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