Shrignold x cultist hunter reader

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You lived to protect the innocent from the danger of cults. It was your job after all. You're (Y/N) the cultist hunter! Everyone in your family was a cultist hunter!!! Fighting for the lives of the innocent was everything to you! That's why you were here right now, running through the forest on dead leaves with your (f/w) in your hand. Tonight, you'd kill the most infamous cult in this area: The cult of Malcolm! Responsible for more deaths than anything else. You're (h/l) (h/c) hair blowing behind you as you ran to your destination. Upon reaching a wired fence, you began climbing up until you leaped up and landed on the soft ground below. With your (f/w) in hand, you stalked to the entrance where a bloody red light glowed from the opening. A sacrifice no doubt. It's a good thing you got here in time to hopefully save their life. You reached the door and kicked it down with a hard kick. "Freeze you sick deviants!!!" You said with your (f/w) drawn in front of you. In front of you stood a tall man with greenish blue skin and yellow butterfly wings.  Behind him was a large stone head eating what looked to be rocks. The man looked at you with confusion. "Umm...Can I help you?" The butterfly man asked. " Why yes you can!" You said prepared to attack. "Okay! How so?" He asked. Your (e/c) eyes closed slightly. "Parish." You said before lunging at him with your (f/w). The butterfly man quickly moved out of the way, leading your (f/w) to strike the statue, which you could now see was eating gravel. "Malcolm!!! Noooooooooooo!!!" The man yelled running past you and collapsing in front of the statue that's apparently named Malcolm almost crying. As if. Cultists don't feel emotions. They're husk of humans turned monsters. Raising your (f/w) over him, you let the weapon down. The butterfly man skillful dodge over and up until he was flying above the statue. "You monster! Why?!" The man cried. Monster?! How dare he!!! "You're the monster you child killer!!!" You yell with your (f/w) at the ready in case he tried to attack. "Child killer?!" He looked at you with shock. "I would never kill a child!!!" You looked at him with distrust. "Yeah right! You're a cultist! Cultist kill children!" You spoke back. "Says who?!" He asked "Says generations of my family!!!" You responded. "And what does your family do?!" He asked. "Kill cultists! We're cultist hunters!" You responded again. The man looked at you before responding. "You do realize not all cults kill, Right?" He asked. "Liar!" You shouted. "All cults kill, and you're trying to mess with my head!" You yelled from the ground. "Well guess what?! It won't work on me!!!" The man sighed before slowly descending to the ground in front of you. You were about to swing your (f/w), when he grabbed it by the top part and put it gently on a bench. "Not all cults kill." The man repeated looking Solemnly at you with pitiful yellow  green eyes. "Our king Malcolm eats gravel. We would never sacrifice anyone to him!" You look at him with disbelief. "Oh really?!" You remark. "Yes! We promote love! Killing anyone would go against everything we stand for!!!" He said looking at your shocked face. A cult...That promoted love?! Did this man think you were that gullible?! There was no such thing!!! Before you could say anything, he spoke in his weirdly calming voice. "I get you probably don't believe a word I'm saying, but please understand I would never hurt a soul. I get some cults will kill anyone they see, but know that We're not one of them!" He said. Backing up, he stood there silently. You grabbed your (f/w) from the bench and prepared to strike the butterfly man, but something stopped you. What was it? Guilt? What if what he was saying was true. You'd be killing an innocent, and that went against everything you stood for! Throwing your (f/w) down, you sighed and spoke "I'm not going to kill you." The man opened his eyes in shock. "Wait? Really???" He asked. You shrugged. "Not all cults kill." You responded. The butterfly man jumped on you and hugged you. "Thank you so much!!!" He cheered. "I don't trust you enough to hug you yet." You said bluntly. "Oh! Sorry!" He said backing off. "So what's your name? I don't want to have to call you murder girl." He laughed cutely. Wait? what? Too much emotion for one day! "You may call me (y/n) (l/n)." You told him. "I'm Shrignold!" The man named Shrignold told you. "But there's something left to do!" He said sternly. Instinctively freaking out you asked "what?" As you moved towards your (f/w). "You need to apologize to Malcolm!" He replied, dropping a bag of gravel into your hand. Oh. Maybe you overreacted a bit. Going over to the statue, you opened the bag and poured it into the mouth of Malcolm. "I apologize for striking you with my (f/w) Malcolm.) you said. The statue made some unknown noises. "He forgives you!" Shrignold said. You smile for the first time in years.  Grabbing your (f/w), you got up and headed to the exit. "Well, bye Shrignold!" You said "bye (y/n)!" He cutely said. Why was this man so cute?! Climb over the fence again, you began questioning if your family was wrong to kill this whole time.

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