Larry x Nycrophobic reader

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The dark terrifies me more than anything else! I can't see anything! Litarally anything could be lurking in the depts of shadow where I can't see, ready to pounce onto me, killing me within seconds!!! My stratgy to avoid the dark? Simple! Keep the lights on before clocking out for a well deserved nights rest!!! Is it exspensive? Of course it is!!! I, however am willing to make that sacrifice to keep from having to confront any unwanted fears!!! I finished brushing my teeth and walked sleeply to my (F/C) bed. "Let's see," I said to no one in paticular. "Pajamas? check! Retainer? check! Lights?" The light proceeded to turn off along with the hall light, the downstairs light, and the backup lights. I screamed. Darkness had swallowed up the room, nay, the whole house!!! I couldn't see a single source! My breath (which smelled like mint) quickend and my pupils dilated. Then my savior!!! a light shined from the hall!!! In stepped a navy blue man with baby blue hair and looked seeming tipsy! He seemed to radiate white light. It calmed me to my very esceance. I then felt myself... Sinking??? I looked down to see my mass falling into a puddle of black oil. My (H/C) hair was being greased by the black substance. The process seem to quicken itself before only my (E/C) were visible along with the top of my head. As I sank and tried to breath, The figure said in an intoxicated voice, "Look like someone's having a bad dream!!!"

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