Tony x Astrolgist reader

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The stars tell the future! The northern star guides us north, and the sign of (A/S) tells me what's really in store! As I lay on the soft (F/C) blanket and stare at the constallations above me, I heard a faint meh sound. Fully ignoring it, I find Ursa Major. The mehs kept getting louder, but I genuinly didn't care. An hour or so passed, and I've just spotted picies, Smiling, I lay on my back. The mehs are still getting louder, when a blue man with a red scar across his nose burst from the bushes. Tony. My Annoying brother's other friend who I like slightly less. "(Y/N)!!! IT'S 1:04 AM!!! WHY ARN'T YOU INSIDE?!" He yelled. "Because of the stars!" I replied calmly. "HOW IS THAT A REASON?!" He continued to yell. "Lay down, I'll show you." I say patting the (F/C) blanket. Tony hesitantly sat beside me. I pointed to the night sky. "That right there is orion." I rightfully clamied. "It's a man!" Tony looked at me skeptically. "That looks abosulty NOTHING like a man!" I laughed. "You have to look closely." I state. "You see, the line of stars in the arch of the bow. Below that is a kilt." This went on for a while. Needless to say, Tony fell asleep.

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