Chapter 3: Friend

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Daisy decided to stay a little longer and sent a letter to the manor, for one of her friends, a guard, saying she was staying with her friends for a while, and which when Earl heard, he thought nothing of it and thought it was normal to stay with her friends, but she often came and visited her father so he could check in on her life. She stayed with Poppy and Milo for quite some time. She honestly enjoyed being with them. They were so much fun. This went on for at least seven years. Milo had been going to school, which Daisy didn't mind picking him up from school, but they had to make sure no one would see so that the school kids didn't bully Milo for having a pirate for a brother, but this month was good since Poppy was out at sea. "Hey, Daisy... I'm ten now... Do you think I could walk to go meet some friends?" She thought for a moment. "I'll walk you half way there." Which she did and he actually had no friends. He just didn't want her to ask if he had already made any friends. Which there was someone exactly like him not too far away, but this is where her story starts and how the two became good friends. Their fate would let them meet when they were older, and their souls were meant to meet, and however, here's how they met when they were just children.

Sariah, only nine years old, was a small and very strange and unusual child, yet she was intelligent, sweet and kind. When she was born, her mother gave birth to her in the sea and Poseidon had blessed the small girl with beautiful sapphire eyes and gorgeous black hair, her skin was pale and soft, her lips were a pretty pink and her voice was soft and shy.

She was walking through the woods, picking flowers for her mother, when she looked around suddenly realizing she was lost. She wandered too far from her cottage. "Mommy?" She called out and she looked around panicking. She teared up and started to cry. "Hey, you alright?" A boy asked her. She looked up. His eyes were covered by his long bangs and his chocolate colored hair was fluffy but it was a mess. "I got l-lost..." She looked up at him. He blushed a little, her voice was precious. He grabbed her hand and guided her. "You really shouldn't be out here by yourself. It's dangerous." He said. "What's...your name?" She asked softly, which was almost like a whisper since she was shy. He looked at her. "I'm Jay... You?" She was looking down blushing a bit. "S-Sariah..."

He smiled. "That's a pretty name." She blushed more. "You know... Demons don't like to help nice people..." She looked up at him, but he was no longer next to her which made her gasp. She looked around but then she looked up at what she backed into... He stood right behind her. She squeaked. "But I've taken a liking to you. Not sure why." He said and laughed. She shivered with fear. "Hey, c'mon now.... You weren't acting like this earlier." He said and crossed his arms. "Y-You're a d-demon?" She asked. He nodded. "Yet... You're.. helping me find my home?" He nodded again before he said, "C'mon, before the sun goes down." The two continue walking. "Hey... so... You wouldn't mind coming back into the woods?" She tilted her head at his question. "You seem really nice and I wouldn't mind the company." He blushed. She smiled. He seemed very harmless, little did she know, she was Red riding hood, and he was actually The Bad Wolf.

Everyday, after school, she would go into the woods. They always hung out together. He would show her all the bad things he would do. He would scare people, put a curse on them, and sometimes turn people into frogs. She always found him under the tree where they had first met. He was like a puppy waiting for their owner, but in this case... He always waited for his best friend. He took her by the hand and led her to the pond nearby. There were tons of flowers. She made him a flower crown. They had been friends for three months. They watched the sunset and he scooted next to her. He pretended to yawn and he wrapped an arm around her. "I know why you're doing that, I'm not blind." He turned pink. Jay had been caught. "I... I just really.... I.... I like you allot!" He blurted out. Sariah giggled and he blushed more. He thought she was laughing at him, and thought he made a complete fool of himself. Suddenly he felt a soft pair of lips on his cheek. He turned bright red like a tomato. "I like you too." If it were possible, his heart would've been pounding, steam would've came from his ears ,and then he would've melted like a popsicle. "I should get going before my mom begins to wonder where I am."

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