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This one is common one. Thanks to @Seralto aka Shadow Walker for providing the topics to my next few rants. If you're your looking for Sherlock/Doctor Who related rants go read Sheronimo, it's entirely based on it. As the title suggests. ;) Not promoting my own work here but people have asked me to rant about them since I'm a fan of them and all, but as I have a book entirely dedicated to those two things alone, it's pretty pointless writing a small section when you already have an entire book dedicated to the whole thing. OK, we good? Let's start then.

Teachers. Whether your in junior school, high school or college you always have to put up with them, no matter where your from. There are a few different types of them, so I'm gonna go through them all.

The Nice One Who Is Actually A Bitch

Let's start off with this one. It's a tough one to deal with, just when you think you're gonna get a great teacher this year....BAM! The mood changes and they turn into the Wicked Witch of the West who doesn't give a damn whether you suck at Maths or not. I've had a few of these teachers, usually you shut up and leave them be until the year is over but sometimes they just love seeing twelve year olds lose sleep over trying to learn times tables. I still don't know them. ;)

The Patronising Bitch

Now, these one's are irritating. They're OK to deal with but they make you seem like an idiot in front of your whole class! It's extremely embarrassing especially when your class are the one's who are idiotic themselves! You don't wanna be stooped down to their level! Just kidding. ;) But it's very irritating when they say they understand your situation and then two weeks later they get irritated that you have to leave in the middle of their class for the situation they said they understood in the first place!! You can't just NOT GO some days and then go other days, it's ridiculous!! And then you get ridiculed because of it. Just, GRRRRRR!

The Idiot

Now, I'm sorry if any of you are teachers but I swear to God sometimes you guys are idiots. Seriously, a Science teacher thought the world was flat!


The One Who Things They're The Boss

I really don't like these type of teachers, they think they rule the world and can get you to do anything. Sorry, mate. I'm a pirate, I don't like to be bossed around, that's why I put a paint bomb in your desk.

Ahh, good times.

The One Who Thinks They're Right All The Time

I know I'm not the only one's. But I HATE THESE KINDA TEACHERS!!

I swear, they think they are right about EVERYTHING! They'd probably make you say 2 + 2 = 56 if they wanted to!

All 3 Just Mentioned, Mixed Into One

Yes. They exist. The idiotic, always right, wannabe bosses. I cringe at the thought of having one of them again. I've only had one of these once. Never again. She may have only been a sub teacher but by God she was an idiotic, self absorbed, wanabe boss bitch face!

She believed my saxophone was some sort of weapon and kept me behind for 3 HOURS! I'm not joking! It was ridiculous! Even after I googled the word saxophone she still wouldn't bloody believe it!

The Nice But Uncomfortable One

I enjoy having a nice teacher, who doesn't? But when they remind you of your mother it can be quite..awkward. I had one who was the same height as my mum and didn't know the meaning of the word, 'personal space.' She was a great teacher, but I just found it really awkward to talk to her especially when she was almost breathing down your neck at the closeness. She does that 'lean forward as far as you can sitting down with scary wide eyes look.' Scary, but nice.

I don't think I've ever had a teacher who didn't annoy me in some shape or form, but I'm not saying all teachers are bad, I had a really nice but quite strict teacher who taught one of my favourite subjects, but unfortunately my classmates did not appreciate her being there and caused the classes to become unbearable. She was lovely, but my classmates were anything but. Seems no matter how bad the teacher may be, it's worse when your class is the one causing it. And then there's people who are mad as a March Hare. But that's another rant. ;)

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