⚔Chapter Twenty-Three⚔

Start from the beginning

"I'm fine! I'm doing- I'm doing great!" I was on the line of crying and laughing. "We're doing fine!" I felt tears starting to form, and I wiped them quickly with my sleeve before they can do any damage. "You are actually screwed because you- you have no moral backbone! You just follow whoever gives you pressure!" I paused, tears starting to form quicker than they can form.

"Ranboo." I looked up to see (Y/N). She squatted down in front of me. "Are you alright?"

I sniffled. "I just- it's fine, I lost something, that's all."

She held out a book. "Ranboo." She shoved it gently into my hands. "You're... sizzling."

Who's Ranboo?

You're Ranboo.

I'm... not Ranboo... that's not my name.

What's your name then?

I could have sworn that it was Mark.

It's not.

(A/N: I know it was a bit, but for plot purposes, Mark.)

Why am I sizzling then?

... uh... water.

"I'm... allergic... to water?" I tried to explain it as best as I can.

"Oh. No don't do that-" She furrowed her brows.

"I can't just- stop. I can't stop being allergic to something, dumbas- no my monetization-" I backed up further into the wall of the building as (Y/N) reached a hand out.

"Sorry." She took her hand back. "What's this book to you?" Sitting down in front of me, she nodded to the book she shoved into my lap.

"..." I paused, not sure if I can trust her. "It's... things I have to remember."

"Hm?" She tilted her head, curious. "Why? Do you have memory problems?"

"... yeah." He nodded.

"May I see?" Her gaze turned to the book in my lap, where she dropped it.

"I thought you would already have read it?" I tilted my head too, confused.

"No, I just went to every other person to see if... y'know." She tapped her fingers softly on her knees, averting her eyes.

"Where- where did you find it?" I asked.

"A person... dropped it."

"In front of you?"

"Yeah- and when I looked back, it- they were gone." She paused, "I swear I saw a speck of neon green on that person, but I don't know anymore."



"Thank you for returning it to me, and..." I passed her the book. "You may."

Her eyes lit up in curiosity, and gingerly took the book into her hands, sitting down next to me.

"Alliances," She read softly aloud. "Tommy is fine, he helped me. Philza also helped me so I let him escape with techno as a returned favor." (Y/N) looked up to me, "So that's how Phil got home." She laughed softly before saying a quick thank you, "Tubbo-" She paused, furrowing her brows. I know that she doesn't like Tubbo, it's a given. "Tubbo," She spoke again, more sternly. "is the only one who really trusts me, which I hope continues" She paused to look at me. "I... trust you." She smiled a little, before returning to the book. "Techno is alright. He is a friend of them so he is a friend of me." She flipped the page, and shrugged. "Makes sense." Her eyes scanned the next page. And the next, and the next, and the next, until she finished the book.

"Are you alright?" she asked, concern, filling her voice.

"I got transported into an SMP. I'm totally fine."

"What do you remember...?"

I averted my eyes. "I remember... the life I had before this, but... I don't remember the plot of this place, the storyline, my story-" He huffed, frustrated. "I remember nothing, anymore."

(Y/N), without a word, encased me in a slightly awkward side hug. "That's fine, most of us don't remember our past life, you just don't remember this... one...?"

I laughed at her attempt to make me feel better, and hugged back. "I guess that's good."

"Mmm." She hummed.

"Oh..." I started, and (Y/N) let go of me right after I let go of her, and I placed down an ender chest. "Don't let anyone know." I pulled out two sets of armor, one was (Y/N)'s, and one was Techno's.

"Is that..." Her eyes lit up in recognition.

"Yes, it is." I pushed the armor towards her, and she quickly took it into her inventory. "Thank you for returning this to me."

She smiled. "Then I better get out of here." She stood up.

"Good luck, (Y/N)."

"Godsspeed, Ranboo." She laughed softly, saluting.




This took like- three days to write- sorry about that! I will be back on schedule soon! For now, look at my new hair :D

This took like- three days to write- sorry about that! I will be back on schedule soon! For now, look at my new hair :D

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