⚔Chapter Twenty-Three⚔

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Word Count: 1418

"Actually I have a better way to get home." Techno passed by us, we looked to each other, slightly suspicious. "The tunnel I took Carl home from."


On the way out of L'Manburg, (Y/N) caught a sign, beside a tree that was walled up.

L'Mantree, it said.

(Y/N) will remember that

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"What is this?" I heard Tommy speak softly as we made our way out of sewers, climbing through a hole in the wall. We walked down the tunnel that the hole gave way to, and reached a small blackstone room. The memory of probably a past me being in here came back, and I held my breath.

"It says it's the final... uh...." Techno paused, looking for the sign. "Final something. You may recognize this room, I wasn't here when this was important."

I looked to Tommy, who looked tense and was shaking. "Tommy..."

"Final control room?" Techno read a sign. "Final control room." He looked back to us, slightly surprised at our reactions of the small blackstone room. "What happened here?"

"No-" The blond turned, "we've got to go." He walked away. "We've got to go."

"What happened here, Tommy?!" Techno chased after him, while I suppressed my urges to just break down and cry at the terrible memory, opening a chest. I found a netherite sword. I snatched it and ran after the two. "Why are you so scared of that room, Tommy?!" Techno caught up to the boy, and grabbed his wrist while I stopped in front of them.

"No Techno- that is a part of my past that I'm not ready to uncover."

"No then- it's fine." Techno sighed, "Let's just go that way then."

"Are- are you alright?" Tommy turned to me. "I know you lost your memories, but-"

"I remember... flashes. A bit of it- did that really happen?"

"Yeah. It- it did."

"Anyways- let's... let's go home." Tommy gave us a small smile.

I paused, "You guys go first, I know the way back. I'll catch up."

"Where are you going?" Techno squinted, suspicious.

"I- I just need to talk to someone." I gave them a reassuring smile.

Ranboo's P.O.V.

"Where is it where is it where is it where-" I frantically searched through chests, "This isn't good, this is not good." I walked outside my house, slightly panicking. "It's gotta be- it's gotta be somewhere." I opened another chest. "This... is not good." I slammed it shut. "Um... think think think, where could it have been? Where could you have left it?" I walked down the prime path quickly, determined to search through every chest if I needed to. "Where did I leave it? Where did I- I never take it out of it's place. It's... not in my ender chest." I paced around anxiously, "I'm the only one that even knows about it, I'm the only one who knows there it is- that's good, that's- that's enough. No one will read it." I sighed, slightly comforted by my own words. "Why did I take it out? I never take it out. That was the one book that I couldn't lose! That was the one thing I couldn't lose..." I walked further down the path, searching through chests. "What am I going to do- what am I going to do?!" I gave a airy laugh. "I... don't know!" I looked in my inventory again. "It's fine- I can- I can remember, I can re-write it. I can re-write what I can remember, it's fine." I climbed over a fence. "Why did you- why did you forget? You never do that, wha- you never do that! Why did you take it out of the chests? It makes no sense!" I laughed silently to myself, sitting down next to a building.

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