Chapter 1

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"Welcome to America Rocks Fashion ! " exclaimed Belle Rowell.

Me,Merida,Rapunzel a had first met the big-time reality TV producer when we are discovered at Brand Modeling. We are all Models of The Winters Fashion.

We watched the broadcast from inside of our fashion big rig,which we're using for our cross-country fashion road trip.

Emblazoned on one side was the logo of our very own Winters' Fashion Magazine .Next on us,sat a bright pink big-rig,which belonged to our rival magazine ,Frost's Angelz.

"Im here in beautiful Stilesville to launch the season finale's adventure in fashion !" Belle continued ,the tv.producer.

"Somewhere in the hartland of America,a teen designer waits to be discovered.Thid Wednesday morning ,our two teams,rival fashion magazines Frost's Angelz and Winter's Fashion ,set their rollin' runways to find the hottest new designer out there !"

The crowd that had gathered for the live taping cheered wildly !

"They'll visit three small towns across the country,and each team will pick one girl from each town to continue on with them",Belle explained.

"The teams have to get to New York by Saturday night,where the six contestants will model their own fashions in the America Rocks Fashion Show ! The winner will get a contract with designer Mucci Fiari,plus a pair of diamond go-go boots - absolutely, positively priceless !"

Bell held up a gorgeous ,sparkling pair of boots- definitely the glammest shoes ever !

"Now,let's meet our teams," Belle said,headling for the trucks.

"That's our cue !" Rapunzel exlaimed .

We leapt up and hurried to truck's backdoor,where a crew unfolded catwalk for us to strut down .We worked the runway,smiling and waving to the cheering audience.

"Hey ,Elsa ,my cousin's bestfriends likes you " Merida said with a big smile on her face.

"Im not interested ,anyway ! " and I smile again while waving in the audience.

Author's note:

Sorry for typing errors.Hope you like it.

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