Chapter Three

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I hate Roadtrips -.-

Because they remind me of all those tedious,un-air-conditioned cross-country trips to Grandma when I was a kid.

We'd always be all crammed together in the family mini-van,and I totally had claustrophobia.

"Is that a fear of mini-vans?" Merida whispered to Rapunzel .

"No -fear of small ,confined spaces,"Rapunzel Added .

And by the way Jack Frost will be with us in a roadtrip -.- tss.

"Oh,come on ,Elsa " Merida said.

"You know this is gonna be a blast!"

"Im totally psyched,"Rapunzel Added ."I've always wanted to scope out America,coast to coast !"

"It's not fairyland you're imagining ,Rapunzel.There's a lot of greasy food,wide open spaces ,and boring small towns our there---not good for someone with agoraphobia ,like me!"

"That's fear of spiders,right ? Rapunzel asked Merida.

"You're thinking of arachnopobia," Merida told her.

"Agoraphobia is a fear of wide open spaces,I dont know what you call a fear of small towns ,though." Turning to me,"come on,Elsa --small towns are quaint!"

"Quaint??" I demanded

"Don't you know what happens on the open road? Don't you?"


"Places everyone!" called the assistant director.

"Ladies? Belle interrupted ."It's time to get in your truck.On my signal ,you'll start your engine and roll out!"

"Got it,Belle ! " Merida replied."Elsa,you're driving first."

Belle pulled me aside and asked,"Pray tell--what does happen on the open road ?"

"You know ,alien encounters ,that guy with the hook who tries to get in your car ,the cute stray dog that turns out to be rat ,the headless horseman....."

I dont know what's happening to me right now.

Jack grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me slightly to snap me out of my freak-out session.

"Get ahold of yourself," he commanded.

Other Person Po'v:

Elsa was known for her tendency to be overly dramatic,but this was a bit much ,even for her.

"Don't worry about her," Rapunzel told Belle.

"She's just talking nonsense."

But Belle didn't look worried --actually she looked like he'd just been struck with a great idea.

"Alien encounters?"she said."Sounds,absolutely ,positively exiting to me !"

"Thirty seconds---- lets go ! called the assistant director.

The girls climbeD'into their truck together with their photographer Jack.Elsa in the driver's seat.And Jack is seated beside Elsa.

Glancing back,the girls saw Kaycee Behind the wheel of the Frost's Angelz truck.

"Bon voyage !" Exclaimed Belle."I'll see you at the first town !'

Belle had a huge smile on her face as she boundef back to her place in front of the camera.

"A rustic roadtrip with no cellphones,no G.P.S--Just a map to guide their way,"she said dramatically onscreen.

"Thrilling!" Motioning to the trucks she announce .,"Ladies,start your engines !"

The trucks revved up,their huge engines growling,Belle held up a green flag in front of the trucks,then whipped it down.The two trucks raced out of the parking lot;---the great fashion hunt had officially begun !

In the Frost's Angelz truck,Kaycee steered wildly,almost running Belle down.

"Wheeee!" She squealef."We're off!"

Aurora clutched a squirming Royale to her chest as Kaycee's crazed driving knocked her from side to side.

"Watch out,you maniac !" Aurora screeched.

"You should let me drive!" Kristee yelled from the back of the truck ."I've only failed two driving tests --- she'sad failed four !"

Back in the Winters Fashion truck,Elsa swerved to avoid the careening Frost's Angelz Truck.

"Hey !" she shouted at the other truck. "Watch where you're going !" She clutched her stomach dramatically and moaned,"Ohhhh,Im already  carsick!"

Jack looks like worried.

"Ohh,what's with that Fac
e Jack?Are you worried about Elsa?"

Merida and Rapunzel keep teasing They .But they remain silent.

In the mall parking lot,Belle was wrapping up his broadcast.

"Catch up with us tomorrow aw our two company pick up their first teen fashion designer! Until then,this is Belle Rowell rocking America's Fashion scene!"

The Winters Fashion couldn't wait to get to the first stop on their fashion road show.

"This is gonna be great !" Rapunzel squealed.

"Im totally pumped ," Merida agreed.

"What could be better than hittin' the road with my very best friends? Elsa added and give smile to Jack.

The girls all cheered ,and even Elsa joined in ,despite her anxiety.

Author's Note:
Thank you for reading this chapter .:) Sorry for this late update.

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