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Other Person PoV:

Hours into the drive ,with no end in sight ,Merida and Rapunzel were starting to see why Elsa hated roadtrips. Rapunzel and Merida were passed out in the backseat,leaning on each other's shoulders ,while Jack struggled to keep her eyes open in the front seat while staring in Elsa.

Jack stirred and stretched ,awaking from a long nap.

"Are we there yet?" He asked through a yawn.

"Not even close," Elsa replied grimly.

Merida PoV
I woke up at the sound of their voices .

Ohhh.. *_* they look like chocolate cake they are so sweet talking each other ^_^

Okay,I know it's over dramatic.

But when I moved my legs,

"Ouch,!My legs are asleep."

Jack glanced back at me and asked, "What's that all over your shoulder?"

I looked down at the wet patch on my shirt,and hit Rapunzel lighly on the arm.

"Rapunzel! You drooled over me!" She complained .

"Oh," she murmured ,still half -asleep.Then she noticing my glare,she added, "SORRY!"

Elsa Pov

"Sooo..." Jack began,"tell me again why couldn't get Belle to just fly us cross country?"

Well.this guy is so friendly .I like it.

Ohhhh My !No! I like his being friendly ,Not him ! OKAY ! I'll never got interested to guys,okay!

"Ahmm,the things we do for Belle," I sighed.

"Yeah,but think of all the cool experiences we've had since we met her ,"Rapunzel protested.

"True," Merida admitted.

"But he has put us through a lot."

"But it's worth it," RapunzEl insisted. "Belle's totally my role model. I can only hope to achieve my goals like she has.Just think of everything she accomplished - I mean ,she's been a TV show host and an international model!"

"But I don't know why we always have to help him achieve her goals."

"C'mon ,Elsa --think of what the publicity will do for our company!" Rapunzel reminded her.

"Yeah,If we win !,If Aurora's contestant wins,we'll look like total fools on live national TV! And then this heinous road trip will all have been nothing."

"Where's your sense of adventure, people?" Merida demanded ."Road trips are the best ---you never know what's around the next corner."

Just then, I noticed a creepy-looking hitchhiker standing on the side of the road .A bandana over his face covered most oF what wasn't already hidden beneath a tattered hat .
I shuddered and turned away.

"Hey,Are you okay?" -Jack

"Y--yeah,.Yes ! IM OKAY"

Other Person's POV:

"Hey,I brought some of my organic tofu sprout rolls," Rapunzel said . "Anybody want one?"

No one answeref,And Rapunzel shrugged,popping a roll into her mouth.

"Mmmmmm," she said.

"You,Elsa?" Jack asked. "When can we break out those cookies you baked?"

Elsa stared out the window,totally distracted by thr scary vision she'd just driven past.

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