"Is that what happened to you after Lili died? You had the support system in place to help you heal?" I didn't lose a mate but in a way I felt like I lost something far greater and when I needed a support system it wasn't there and I was left alone and broken.

"Yes I had the whole pack who was grieving the loss of their Luna. I had Jasper and Graden who helped carry the load of the pack while I grieved but the biggest help was Natalia. She stepped up in a way that I could never repay her for. She helped finish raising Ryder, She fulfilled the role of Luna, She was always one of my best friends but during that time she was the pillar that held me up and the binding that kept the pack from falling apart. I don't know what I would have done without her." He had tears running down his face a she spoke of his sister and how much she meant to him. I reached over and wiped the tears from his cheeks.

"You truly are blessed with amazing family and friends. Didn't your parents come and help at all? Lia said they live in Philadelphia."Why did Lia have to shoulder so much, shouldn't his parents have come and helped?

"They serve on the Council and at the time they were investigating a pack that was rumored to be plotting to over throw the council as such they were out of communication for 2 years. By the time they found out about Lili the worst of it had passed. They did come back for a short while but were called away again on council business."

"Who are the council and what is so important that it keeps your parents away for so long?" It would kill me to know that my parents are out there somewhere and not be able to see them for years.

"The council is made up of representatives from each pack, typically former Alphas or Betas. Their job is to make sure that packs are not violating the rules and if they are to deal with them accordingly."

"What are the rules?"

"There aren't many. The biggest one is the rule of secrecy that humans are kept unaware of the supernatural world. They also ratify peace treaties between packs, settle disputes regarding land or pack members, and if there are claims of an alpha abusing his power to hurt his pack members, is warring with surrounding packs, or is plotting against the council, they have the authority to strip that alpha of his title and pack and give it to someone else."

"Did you break the rule of secrecy by telling me?" I asked worried that he was going to get into trouble.

"No sweetheart, The rule of secrecy has certain contingencies built into it for situations such as ours. However before I could talk to you about it I had to get permission from the current Alpha of the territory." Did he just call me sweetheart? And what did he mean by situations like ours?

"When did you ask permission?" We only met 3 days ago.

"Last night actually. After you left I asked Ryder if I could tell you about us." He smirked while stroking the backs of my hands with his thumbs.

"That must have been an interesting conversation 'Hey son, I know I just met this chick but I want to tell her that I'm a werewolf. Is that cool?'" I said while making my voice as low as it could go trying to mimic his voice.

Apparently I did a really crappy impression because he was laughing so hard he almost fell backwards off the bed. Pulling me forward and almost landing on top of the remnants of our breakfast.

"Actually he already recognized that you were my mate so it was pretty simple."He said still chuckling while he righted himself on the bed. I however was frozen in place half leaning forward half seated. He just called me his mate but that's impossible, Lili was his mate. I'm just, well, me. A silly human that developed feelings seemingly overnight for a gorgeous werewolf that gave his heart away a longtime ago. Then why did he say I was his mate?

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