"I can only tell you the truth Willow. I am a werewolf." I reach out for her hand but she starts taking steps backwards. That is when it hits me. She is moving towards the door.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? There are no such thing as werewolves! Tell me the truth, What did you do with Tavan?" She screams at me.

"No, I don't think you're an idiot. There are werewolves, and more, much more than you can imagine and Tavan is right here!" I said that last part as I jumped over the bed, shifting mid flight and landed between her and the door.

She screamed and jumped back tripping over who knows what and is about to hit her head on the table but I saw the path she was falling so I jumped on the table crushing it beneath me and instead of hitting it she landed on me. She quickly crawls away from me and is heading back to the door but I jump in front of it again. The room isn't very big so I don't know if jump is the right word, regardless, I get between her and the door blocking her escape again. Just like I did last night I laid down and flattened my ears showing her remorse. She backs away slowly and sits on the edge of the bed near the top.

"Holy Shit! You just turned into a giant ass wolf. You're Tavan. Tavan is you. What the hell is going on here? Wait, the wolves the other night were they werewolves too? How many are in this town? If you're one does that mean Lia is one also?" She is firing off questions so fast it would make Lani proud.

I sit up and raise one paw in what I hope is a sign of wait. I shift back into my human form and sit on the edge near the foot of the bed. "Now do you believe that I was telling you the truth?"

Her eyes did a slow ascent of my body starting with my feet up my legs but when they reached my member, her eyes got really big. All of a sudden she covers her eyes with one hand as she blindly reaches behind her and grabs a pillow that she throws at me. "I can't think with you sitting there like that. All exposed and.. well... It's distracting so cover up if you want to talk other wise do your magic switch-a-roo thing and leave."

I can't help but chuckle as I settle the pillow on my lap. Before I give her the all clear I mind-link Graden, I was not in the mood to hear about it from Jasper.

D: Gray are you up?

G: Damn Dom you know we don't have to get up early any more right, leave that to the young pups.

D: It's an emergency

G: I'm up, what do you need

D: Go to my room and grab me a set of clothes then bring it to me at The Doghouse, room 15

G: Got it, anything else

D: Yeah, can you pickup coffee and food for Willow and me?

"Okay Willow, you can open your eyes now." I had turned to sit crosslegged on the foot of the bed with the pillow firmly placed in my lap. She first peaked through her fingers and seeing I was in fact covered, she removed her hands from her face all together. "You can ask me anything that you want."

Willow's POV

WHAT THE FUCK!!! Seriously, what in the actual fuck just happened? I feel like I woke up in an alternate universe. Werewolves are real, I slept cuddled up with one all night. In fact I spent all day yesterday with one. Now I am sitting here across from a practically perfect specimen of a man who also happens to be the wolf I dreamed about. Now I get to ask anything and everything that I want to and I have no idea where to start. He is patiently waiting for me to do something, to say something. I take a deep steadying breath. This was a lot to process with zero caffeine in my system.

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