The Movie Premier

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He was wearing a black suit with a black shirt beneath and a black trouser. Wow he really does look good in black. I always used to wonder how would he look in real life in this suit.
N : Wow! I have never seen such beau-
M : No don't say that. I am sure you have. These are all lies I know.

And I come out and lock the door.
N : Wow look at that back. You do have a very nice back.

I turn around and say,
M : You are looking at my back huh !
N : Okay so you're still pissed.
M : No I am not. I am a little tensed. But you do owe me a very proper explanation.
N : Yes ma'am. It's my honour.

We go out of the main gate and i see a big limousine. Everything that happened to me in the last two days were my firsts and I am definitely gonna ride a limousine for the very first time. We get in and wow it's so big. As we sit and relax, Noah makes us a glass wine. I could make out from his face that he was preparing himself for the explanations that he'll give right now. My heart was beating really fast as after whatever happened, we were alone for the first time after that. I was taking deep breaths and looking out the window when he offered me the glass.

He took a sip and signed loudly.
N : Mia I just wanna say this to you that we never dated. We were friends with benefits but yesterday I understood that she was kinda obsessed with me. But it's over for good now.
M : Are you sure ? I used to see so many pictures of you guys and that's what came to my mind that night and I left.
N : Hey ! It's not your fault at all. I can totally understand. But please do give me a change. I know it's a lot to take in. And I know you are not accustomed with this life style but can you please try for me ?
M : Why are you trying so much for this ?
N : You can understand why ? I don't know how but I started liking you in a very very short time. Because you are not like others. You are not here because I have fame or money. If you like me back I know that it's because you like me not my career.

I find myself thinking and slightly smiling.

N : Please take your time. We have a lot of time. I am here to stay.

I look at him and I smile. It is a warm smile.
He looks at me and he smiles back. He takes my hand and kisses me there.
N : Wow I love it when you blush.
M : You are good at making me blush.

We have a few more drinks and we reach finally !
He gets down first, comes to my side and opens the door for me. I feel like I am on cloud nine. As I get down, there just flashes and nothing else. People running around with cameras and wanting us to pose. I close my eyes as it's so bright. And then I feel his hands around my waist.
N (Whispers in my ear) : Calm down. Open your eyes slowly. I am here with you don't worry.

And I open my eyes slowly and wow. I feel like someone important which I am not clearly. I look at Noah.
M : Wow this is amazing.
N : I know right ! Pose !

We let them take as many pictures as they want. We go around the place and talk to many many artists. And then in the crowd I see her.

(Hey peeps! Please show some love in my Instagram page. The name is head._over._heels._)

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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