Talk to me

11 2 3

Stassie gets up and walks towards the door.

S : i won't be tolerating her next time.
N : Excuse me ?
S : I'll leave.

And she looks at me on the staircase. I feel pressurised all of a sudden.

M : No please stay. I should be the one to leave.
N : What ! No ! You don't have to.
M : It's okay Noah. I don't deserve to be a part of your life anyways.
N : Of course you do. I forgot that she was coming over.
M : Yeah right ! I am sorry Stassie. I'll leave. You guys have fun.

And I grab my bag and start to Leave when he grabs my hand.

N : Please. Please just stay. I am really sorry about it. And Stassie don't you have any self respect ?
S : Self respect Infront of a girl who is no where near me.
M : Excuse me ! Just to remind you, you are made of nothing but plastic. So it's you Who's no where near me.
S : What did you say ?
N : It's the truth though.
M : I'll leave Noah. This is more than Famous-People-Shit I can handle. I live a normal life.

He looked at me. He is very disappointed with everything that happened but what else do I do ? Before leaving I ask one more thing.

M : Are you guys dating ?
N : No. It wasn't dating. It was kind of FWB.
S : Come on babe ! Everyone saw us together. You held my hands in public.
M : You shouldn't have let this happen then Noah.

And I leave. I drive my car in the rain, wearing Noah's sister's dress. My eyes are getting wet in between but I can't let myself cry. Nothing happened between us. Just two kisses with my dream guy and a dinner an drinks.

I reach home and I see several texts from him.
" It's not what you think. "
" Please don't do this. I never had such good time with anyone. "
" I get it it's a different life but it's okay we'll get through this. "
" Please pickup my calls. It's worrying me now. "
And so on.....

I read them and text him back,
" I'll courier the dress back to you tomorrow. Thank you for everything. I loved it. Hope to not seeing you again. "

I go to sleep. It's been an exhausting day.  I wake up the next day with several notifications. Calls from my mom and dad and then him. My phone was just on silent a night. I call them back except him. My mom and dad were relieved to finally hear my voice. I get ready. Shower and then have breakfast and brush my teeth. I get s few calls from my clients of that day. And as I open the door to step out for work, I see him standing near the gate.

Hi !!! Please show some love to this small novel that I am writing here. Share and show some love.
Also I have newly opened writing page in Instagram ( head._over._heels._ ) ❤️❤️
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The phone exchange ///// Noah CentinioWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu