Get in the rain with me

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He's romantic and sweet face changed to a confused one. He makes me stand straight and he got a little awkward.

N : Sure ! I am craving pancakes too. Do you still wanna listen to music ?
M : Yes, let's not stop the music.

I can make out that he got a little disappointed. As we head out, I ask,

M : Who's car are we gonna take ?
N : Is it far from here ? We can walk if it's not.
M : No it's not that far actually. We can walk but of course there will be people clicking pictures and spreading rumours. I know you deal with that a lot and I don't want to add to that.
N : Eh ! Do not worry about it please. I don't pay heed to them anymore. Anyways, who doesn't like to walk and listen to music in a such a good weather right ?
M : Fine then ! Leggo !

We start walking and listen to music together. Suddenly our hands touch while walking and we look at eachother.

N : I am sorry !
M : It's fine. Here we are. We reached.
N : Oh ! I always passed this cafe but never entered.
M : I can promise you that you won't be disappointed.

We went in and we had pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries on it. My special instructions were to make the pancakes look exactly the same like it did in To all the boys.

Waiter : Here is your order sir and madam. I hope the pancakes look like you needed them too.

His eyes gleamed with happiness. He gets excited and he looks at me.

N : You did this for me !!
M : Yes ! I thought maybe you'll like it and you'll get some happy memories back.
N : Are you kidding ? I loved it. I'll tell you all behind the scene stories while we eat. I hope you don't get bored.

We talk about the movie a lot and we finish eating. He insists on paying but I say that it's my treat. So I pay. While returning we buy donuts and we walk towards his home and then suddenly I feel a drop of water on my palm. I look up.

M : Will it rain ? I think a drop fell on my palm.
N : Yeah ! Even one drop fell on my hair. I thought it might be something.
M : We should head back soon then.
N : Why ? I thought you love rain. You don't like to get wet in rain ?
M : I do but we are going to your home and I don't have spare clothes.
N : What ! You worried about that ? My sister left some of her clothes here. You can change.

I look at him with a funny glare.

M : What about the donut ? It'll get wet.

Noah pushed the half donut I was holding in my hand inside my mouth and started laughing.

N (still laughing) : See ! It was easy. You don't have to worry about your donut getting wet.

We keep on continuing our argument, which was really fun, about where to get wet in rain or not while we walk towards his house and suddenly it's pouring. I stop walking and stand still in rain, watching him laughing harder. Watching him laugh in rain felt like bliss. It doesn't feel anymore like me with a movie star anymore. This is me looking at a boy enjoying his time with me.

N : Who you look so fine in rain babe.
M : Did you call me babe ?
N : Now you gotta Dance.

And he himself starts singing " Love at first sight " by the Brobecks.

He holds me and we start dancing on the empty lane. We are jumping around and giggling and laughing and holding eachother, all around and we both sing eachother songs in rain. While dancing I keep on thinking about the moment we had before we came out and I look at him. He looks at me and I smile at him. He pulled me a little close and smile back. I feel it. It is the moment and I raise my toes and I kiss him. He kisses me back and he holds me tighter.

M : Let's go home ! Someone might spot us.
N : Why do we have to care about it ?
M : You'll catch cold Mr. Centinio. Let's go.

And I hold his hand and I drag him with me, to his home.

The phone exchange ///// Noah CentinioWhere stories live. Discover now