Chapter 346- 350

Depuis le début

When Yu Xiaocao saw that the mixture in Zhu Junyang's basin had thickened, she quickly told them all to stop. She then added an appropriate portion of milk to each of their basins, as well as more oil and sugar. Then, she happily gave them a few compliments before hinting that they had to continue.

While the four people were crafting the whipped cream frosting, Yu Xiaocao had mixed up the cake batter and poured it into three separate pans. The pans were placed into the oven and she had Yingtao keep an eye at the heat. She continued to instruct Zhu Junyang and the others how to make the frosting.

After adding more milk, oil and sugar another two times, Yu Xiaocao saw that the frosting was at the right viscosity. She took the bamboo beater from Zhu Junyang's hands and gently tested the texture of the frosting. When she saw that the frosting didn't deflate, she proclaimed that they were done making it.

Chapter 347 - Exposed

Zhu Junyang let out a heavy snort and waved his sleeves as he left. Head Steward Liu used a finger to point at Yu Xiaocao a few times before he sighed and also followed his angry master out of the Fang Estate's kitchen.

Yu Xiaocao pursed her lips and quietly muttered, "Didn't he just whip some frosting up? Is it necessary to be this angry ah?"

Yingtao cheerfully stated, "Miss, you're the only one who can order Royal Prince Yang to do things! Although His Highness looks quite scary, I never would have thought that he's that easy to talk to ah!"

Easy to talk to? If the people who had been beaten up by Royal Prince Yang could hear her say this, they would have all retorted vehemently, 'Are you blind? How can Zhu Junyang, that black-faced devil, be easy to talk to? You're not the one who was beaten until you were bedridden for a few months, right?'

After the cake finished baking, Yu Xiaocao first cut it into three circles of differing sizes and spread on a layer of frosting. Then, she prepared a piece of oiled paper, rolled it into a triangular shaped tube, and poured the whipped frosting into it. Using her pastry bag, she squeezed out beautiful flower decorations on the cake. In her past life, Yu Xiaocao had worked at a pastry shop prior to opening her braised food shop. Because she had skillful hands, all of the cakes she decorated were praised.

At first, she was a bit unfamiliar with this process. As she continued, the skill came back to her and each consequent flower was more beautiful than the previous and more lively. Since the season wasn't right, there weren't any ingredients available for her to use as food dye. Thus, all of the icing flowers she squeezed out were a pure white color. However, Yu Xiaocao had the servants take out some preserved jams from last year from the ice cellar. There was bright red strawberry jam, orangey-yellow tomato jam, purple grape jam...she also used some spinach juice mixed with honey to create a green colored dye.

With these five colors available, she used them all to gently brush onto the flowers' edges. The whole cake immediately became bright and lovely. Yingtao and another head maid, Muxi, stared in awe at all of the stunning flowers on the cake. Their eyes were opened wide as they took in the sight.

The cake had three layers and the first layer was about twenty inches in diameter. The second layer was around sixteen inches and the topmost layer was around twelve inches. Each layer was decorated with carefully crafted icing flowers. The top layer had some writing on it written in red jam that said, 'Happy 1st Birthday to Fang Haolin'. In addition, there was a cartoon figure underneath the words that was colored with different jams. It looked almost exactly like Little Linlin.

The grabbing ceremony had already finished. Fang Haolin had lived up to expectations and grabbed a tiny wooden knife. This caused everyone to exclaim 'like father like son'. For the banquet, they invited the head chef of the capital's Zhenxiu Restaurant——Liu Bi, who was personally in charge of cooking. This caused many guests to be pleasantly surprised because the head chef of Zhenxiu Restaurant was very hard to book. He only took three jobs in a month and the waiting list had already extended to next year...

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