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    The garden, very unsurprisingly, wasn't any more exhilarating than the rest of the venue. It wore a tiresome, untamed expression on it's grounds, large leaves splaying out in a wild harmony. Maybe it could've been be beautiful.

    It was not easy to get lost in either.

    There was only one bare patch of ground that wasn't crawling with moss or crabgrass bursts, which lay right by the rail lining the edge. Below which the city beamed quietly.

    Jet's fingers grappled against the chilled metal, as she leaned to look below, this was probably the most composed town in all of Axis.

   " Watch it, Birch's make me sneeze like shit", Champagne diped her head as Cornel yanked a branch from the undergrowth.

   " There's something there, you see that right?" He tore through the mangled vines and sure enough there was. Jutting out from the middle of the greenery stood a brick shed caught in a snarl of weeds and other earthly things, " this place is one fucking mess, " he laughs," dude give me a hand", and a couple of Erin's guards start tramping over.

    The shed had lost it's excitement soon enough though, and they had relaxed into a sprawled circle in the dwindling rays of the sun.

    Remi joined them later. She brought grilled bread from the hall, and a good serving of charred corn. It wasn't really all that filling or appetizing.

   Still, the air closing in around Jet had seemed to rest down. She could smile, and when they talked to her, clawing fingers didn't dig into her palms.

   " That's Erin's sister right?" Champagne asks Jet at one point, cocking a brow at Remi.

   "Her? Yea", they were reclined against the rail, feet folded," her names Jeremiah."

She nods steadily,

   " I remember her a little", she responds, " when Alyx was younger, him and Erin were good friends, the Aldine's used to drag me along whenever they went over incase something happened. I remember seeing her, but that was a long time ago she couldn't even talk then."

   "What about now?"

  "Alyx and Erin, they don't talk anymore?"

   " No it's not that", a smile tugs at her lips, it's dipping into sorrow," you already know, Erin got sick and it just never got better, the Aldine's like to preserve their honor a crapton so they kept Alyx away, I guess they grew out of it," She leans back on her palms, neck stretched towards the sky, " you know that already though."

    " Yea,....it's getting pretty bad lately, he barely comes out the hospital."

  "Oh?" And there's a soft lazy play to her voice, for a second Jet envies it," and what if he doesn't make it? What if he doesn't survive? What then?


  "-Have you ever even thought of that?"

   "I-I. No,but-"

   "What if he dies, Jet?" Edged words relax on her soft tone," you know, I see this thing in you, and don't get me wrong we all love to run, but for somethings you need a headstart, you know."

   "Do you know what happens to a Mask when their Channel dies?" And the golden hue of the sun spills into her eyes," do you know what happens to us?"

    Of course she knew. She knew every sick twist in the system and yet the answer feels numb,

   " they turn us into Aides."

   " Yea? And what about the little detail that we aren't allowed to leave. Ever."

   After the Scions had formed alliance, entirely disregarding the authority of the Primes, naturally the Primes had been enraged.

    They had risen against the entire movement in wild fury, as one who loses such high esteem does, scrambling to pick up all the pieces.

   It was only when they realized how scorned they were by all of Arlyx that they began bargaining. Bargaining to redeem their forever lost respect.

     They promised all of Arlyx a chance. A chance that would help anyone at any point on the food chain to climb up the ladder.

    Any Arlyxian could be chosen for apprenticeship, through a random selection to be taught the arts and hexes by the Primes.


   What a humbling offer.

  What a virtuous promise.

   It purely seemed like an olive branch.

  Just that, promises are the sweetest lies.

   And ultimately just became another routine of fear, torture, and of course, lies.

    Aides were the black stain in Arlyx. With their sealed lips and scarred bodies. Everyone knew but no one wanted to believe it.

  .  A Mask is sworn till death to their Scion. If anything comes in between that oath  a simple riddance is progressed and they are passed on to become an Aide.

        For life.

    Jet knew this, she had known it all her life, but somewhere it had become spun like a mere tale not a reality.

    You have nowhere else to go anyways, her mind spites.

   Beside her, Champagne drew out a heavy sigh,

   " you know what Jet? It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what you might think you deserve."

     Eyes catching stumbling sunlight, she says, " Rights aren't bargained. Everyone has a right to be happy. Without a price."

    She stands up brushing hands against her jeans,
" It's not about being ungrateful. Sometimes it's about the destruction you're letting inside. Why run games against yourself? There's enough of that already."

   And the words ring threateningly against Jet's conscience.



It's me!!!!

Drop a comment and tell me what you guys think is happening so far.:)))) Pretty please.

Love ya,

Hiraeth; the longing for something you can't reachDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora