Chapter 5

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Lottie was tied up in a small white room, alone. She didn't even know how she got there in the first place, Ingrid had knocked her unconscious in the back of her van. There were no windows in the room, just a sense of fear lurking in the air, ready to strike its prey. A metal door opened, revealing Ingrid standing in the door frame with a knife in her hands. Her deadly gaze landed on Lottie's eyes, making her shudder.

"What do you want?"

Ingrid cackled, stroking the silver blade of her injurious knife "I want to show the master that I am capable of ending you, princess." Lottie's clothes were all torn up, she had lost her pink jacket, revealing bloody scars and cuts all over her arms. Ingrid cupped her hand over the Portman's mouth "Keep in mind, I'm not running away this time,"

Earlier in the year, Ingrid had broken into Rosewood hall and threatened to hurt Lottie, without Jamie's help, she wouldn't have survived. Lottie shut her eyes tight, this would end her. Ellie would lose her best friend, the royal family would lose their Portman and Jamie would lose his little ray of sunshine.

 Lottie held her breath, she moved her gaze towards Ingrid who was standing right behind her, playing with her sharp, life-stealing knife. "Your reputation is in danger," Ingrid purred, grinning mischievously as she placed the blade gently onto Lottie's throat "One small slip," she cut off the chain of her wolf pendent and dropped it onto the palm of her pale hand "And your life is over, helpless princess." she cackled one last time before leaving Lottie in tears.


The building was quite small actually. It was a gray-ish tone with black outlines and rarely any windows. Men in black were guarding the electric gate, looking like assassins or worse; Partizans. "Binah, hack into the system while Jamie and I knock out the guards," Saskia directed, pointing to the tablet in her hand before giving it to Binah. She nodded and immediately started. Saskia gave a determined look to Jamie, he also nodded in response before both of them went sprinting towards the guards.

 Saskia put her hands on her hips "Well, that was easy," she smiled at Binah "Leviathan is horrible at hiring people." Jamie remained silent, still going through thoughts of Lottie in danger. He tensed. "Ok, every electronic gate has been turned off but I need more time with the cameras," Binah said quietly.

"Good, let's go,"

 Jamie, Ellie, Saskia and Anastacia jerked the gate opened then ran in at the speed of light. "Ellie and Ani, try the left wing, Jamie and I will try the right," 

They did as told and split up across the building. Evil Partizans were there at every glance they took, looking for them, to make sure they won't rescue "the princess" in time. The walls were made of cold stone and the floors were made of a black material. Jamie looked into every room of the building "I can't find her,"

"Don't lose hope, we will find her in the end."

He nodded as he knocked a guard in the head. "Guys, are you having any luck?" whispered Ellie. through the earpiece. "No, what about you?" asked Jamie in urgency.

"We keep getting lost, I'm just fighting guards now,"

"Alright, try looking in each room," said Jamie quietly, he felt his heart shatter to the bottom of his body. If they couldn't find her, all hope was lost; Lottie would be held captive by Leviathan forever. Her life would have a lethal ending while the guilt of her death would linger his soul for eternity. Everything would be ruined, he would be ruined.

"Jamie," Saskia held her breath as she tapped his shoulder, causing him to turn around "There she is,"

She pointed to the window of the metal door, inside he could see Lottie's motionless body on the cold, hard ground.

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