Chapter 2

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"So, all your names are in this box, correct?" Binah asked, grinning uncontrollably. It was obvious she was the most excited about this whole Secret Santa idea she thought of. Everyone nodded in unison, watching Binah hold up the box in glee. The library was completely quiet, there were only the 10 of them there after all. All the students had gone home for Christmas vacation, to spend time with their families. 

"Alright, now I'm going to pass this around,"

Lottie watched the box pass around the room until her eyes locked with Jamie's, he stared at her blankly as the box went to him. She saw him pick up a piece of paper and raise a brow.

What if he got her?

She continued to stare at him inquisitively, curious to see who he got. "Lottie, it's your turn," whispered Ellie into her left ear. She quickly snapped out of her imagination 

"Right, sorry,"

There was one piece of paper left in the yellow box, she grabbed it and gave an awkward smile to Binah. She unfolded it to see the name she was dreading to get.


Her heart dropped as she stared at the piece of scrappy paper in disbelief. She scanned the table, everyone seemed happy with who they got while Lottie was left with Jamie. What was she supposed to get him? Last time she offered him a book of Pakistani history which concluded to him being upset for months. Jamie was the most secretive person she had ever known, finding a gift for him would be harder than searching for a needle in the middle of the ocean. 

 "You ok?" asked Ellie, looking at Lottie in concern

"Of course," Lottie answered, giving Ellie another one of her awkward smiles as she fiddled with a strand of her long golden hair. Her hair had grown ever since Ellie cut it, it reached all the way to the middle of her back. "Ok! seeing as we finished drawing names, you should all think about what this person would like. We exchange our gifts on Wednesday, clear?" Binah stated at the. end of the table, still beaming with joy. Lottie started to panic, Wednesday was only 3 days away. How would she find the perfect gift for Jamie by then? 

Lottie held her breath "Crystal."

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