Chapter 3

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Lottie tapped her pen on the dark wooden floor of her dorm-room.

What do I get Jamie?

the question wandered her mind over and over again, making her head spin. She looked around the room,  in hopes to get an idea from something in there. Ellie was sitting on her bed listening to music and organising her CDs in her black sweater and black stockings. She put her pen in her mouth and chewed it thoughtfully. She looked outside her window to see white specks of snow falling down from the sky.

She decided to take a walk outside of the dorm to get some space and clear her mind. "Ellie, I'm going to take walk outside," she spoke into Ellie's ear while lifting one side of her headphones. Ellie made a thumbs up sign and grinned. Lottie went into the closet put on her winter clothes silently. 

I need to get out of my head  she thought while zipping up her jacket and walking out the door.

 The view of the Rose Wood was breathtaking during winter. The thorns of the bushes become coated in a fine white powder that sparkled. The garden was also gorgeous, the pond was frozen but still shimmered with its icy specks. Lottie sat by the side of the pond, stroking her arm and still wondering what to get Jamie. "Hi there," said a familiar voice, sitting down next to her. It was Anastacia, her winter clothes made her look like a flawless brunette barbie doll. 

"Hey," greeted Lottie softly, patting the grassy floor next to her, offering her to sit. Anastacia gently sat herself down next to Lottie 

"Are you having trouble with your Secret Santa?" 

Lottie nodded, sighing and putting her hands over her face "I have no idea what to get this person." Anastacia nodded as if she understood, she took Lottie's hand and squeezed it "All a person needs is to know they're loved, right? So whoever this mystery person is, show them your gratitude towards their existence," she smiled, placing Lottie's hand back on her lap.

 Lottie smiled back, Jamie was such a cold and shrill person maybe he did need this gift. Just the thought of him made Lottie blush. The two friends were so caught up in talking, they didn't realise someone was watching them the whole time.

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