Level up, And Break

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We left the Dungeon, Me and the Loki and Freya Familia parted ways, But they were all bothered, They are all forgetting Something

Nadeshiko: (What did you do while i was being reborn?)

Kiara: Well, I kinda remove their memory of what they knew at that time

Nadeshiko: (I see, But their reaction is really bothering me)

Kiara: Don't worry about it, They absolutely can't remember what happened

Nadeshiko: (What about Ottar? It seems he is not bothered anything.)

Kiara: I altered that Boaz Memory, He wont be remembering anything for a week

Nadeshiko: (A week! Why didn't you just removed it)

Kiara: Well, I trust him, I think

Nadeshiko: (You think?)

Kiara: When i get the chance, I will completely remove it, Don't worry

Nadeshiko: (How are you gonna do that? You can materialize yourself?)

Kiara: I can become a Existence if i wish so, Well, I will be reborn on ashes first then I have my full adult form

Nadeshiko: (I see, Then why are you staying in my head?)

Kiara: I don't have enough power, But when you get more stronger, I will too also grow, I'll be counting on you

Nadeshiko: (Wow, If i got more stronger, Kiara will have her own body, Then I can finally propose)


Nadeshiko: (A demon mark grow on me, I wont have much time left if i gave into time)

Kiara: We are both Immortal, So time doesn't matter you know

Nadeshiko: (So the Demon mark wont kill me?)

Kiara: Absolutely

Nadeshiko: (Heh, How many kids do i want?)

Kiara: ...

Nadeshiko: (Are you there?)

Kiara: ...

Nadeshiko: (I'm sorry for what i said, Please talk!)

Kiara: ...

Alise: -ko, NADESHIKO!

Nadeshiko: Guah! Don't scare me like that!

Alise: Scare you? What part, We are calling you 2 minutes from now, What are you thinking

Nadeshiko: *blush* N-Nothing

Alise: That's nothing!

Then Alise hugged me from behind and whispered to me

Alise: *whisper* You can tell me you know

Kiara: Try to cheat on me, I will Kill you hundred times

Nadeshiko: It's nothing really!

Then Alise broke the hug

Kaguya: Hey Alise... What was that!

Ryuu: A-Alise!

Lyra: A development!?


Nadeshiko: Ehehe.... Huh?

I saw Astraea-sama running towards me

Nadeshiko: Goddess?

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