I'll Come Back

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          I began to stir from my slumber as I heard the creatures of the forest call their morning sounds. I was used to waking up cold due to how dark my tree was. However, this morning I woke up warm. I moved around slightly before fluttering open my eyes, only to be met with a blushing Catra staring down at me. Her arm was still draped over me when she burst out with unintelligible words before she regained her composure.

         "I-uh, I...," She said as she released me from her grasp. "I mean, good morning, Y/N,". 

          I was saddened to feel her warmth leaving me. Although, I found it quite amusing how embarrassed she got when she realized I saw her. I watched as she stood up, smoothed out her hair, and pretended to look cool.

         "Goodmorning, Catra," I said as I rolled around my bed stretching.

         "It seems like I slept in my clothes... Would you mind standing outside while I change?" I asked her after standing up.

         She agreed and walked outside. The truth is, I usually wouldn't sleep in anything. My body ached from flattening down my ears and tail all day, but I didn't want Catra to know that I was like her. She'd try to get me to come back with her and it would just get us both killed in the end. 

         I quickly changed into another dress of a green colour this time and fastened the same fabric around my head to cover it. I splashed my face with some water and rubbed a squished berry over my lips to give them some colour before telling Catra to come back in.

         "Do you wear anything other than... you know... frilly dresses?" She asked, holding in a laugh.

         "I like dresses, and they're not 'frilly'. They're convenient, and I think they're pretty." I stated.

         She was about to say something back and then gave up on it. Instead, she just wanted to know what we were going to eat. 

          "I was thinking we could go pick some fruit from the trees and make something with that," I explained to her. 

           "Do you really go and find your own food every day? At the fright zone, we just got Ration bars served every day." She questioned. 

           "Well... Yeah. I like having my food fresh and I don't really have anyone around here to 'serve' me." I told her. 

           "Alright, let's go then," She said, grabbing my arm and running out the door. 

            Catra and I strolled through the forest for a while. It was maybe half an hour of silence before the roar of a beast got uncomfortably close to us.  A giant winged creature flew down in front of us and screeched. Catra went to lunge at it but I quickly grabbed her arm before giving the creature a look. The beast screeched once more before flying away. 

            "How did you do that?" Catra asked me, clearly puzzled.

             "I've lived in the whispering woods since I was a baby. The creatures here have learned to respect me." I explained to her.

              "You know, people from the Horde never come back from the woods. You should come back with me and you can come with us for missions and protect us. If we had you with us we'd be more powerful than ever. Would you do that? Would you come back with me Y/N?"

               I didn't want to lie to Catra. I wanted to tell her why I couldn't come back with her, I wanted to tell her that we were the same, I wanted to ask her to stay with me instead. I knew I couldn't do any of that. I had to lie.

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