Ch 24: I Hate Hospital Rooms

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Your face immediately drained of its color the moment you opened your eyes.  Hospitals were never good.  They meant hefty medical bills that could be spent on your career and the threat of your home life being found out.  Doctors always tended to start prodding when they saw the bruises, and dad would get pissed when he heard them asking questions.  Worst of all, though, you couldn't for the life of you remember how you ended up here.  The last thing you remembered was your dad saying he was taking you back home before you passed out.  Were you already back in Tokyo?  Without even getting to say goodbye to your teammates— no, your friends?

"(Y/N)-" you gasped and swung your head around to see Keishin standing over you with a worried expression.

Confusion flooded in.  How was this possible?  How could Keishin be here?

"Dad... where's my dad?" Your voice came out in a croak as you started looking around the room frantically.

"He's not coming back," Keishin responded firmly, his face set as he stared you down.  You recoiled a bit in shock.


"How long?"  You paused, your voice catching in your throat at the question.  "How long has he been doing this to you?" Keishin repeated, though it was softer this time.

"I..." You turned your head away to avoid his gaze.  "It's not that big a deal. It was my fault. I didn't go for the win..."  Your voice couldn't have been louder than a whisper.

Keishin ground his teeth together in frustration.  "Listen to me right now, munchkin.  None of this was ever your fault; you understand me?  I don't wanna hear any more of this 'my fault' bullshit from now on, got it?"  You flinched just a bit at the clear anger in his tone, and Keishin immediately stopped.  How many times had you flinched at his tone like that before?  How many times did he pretend not to notice?  "You're no longer allowed to see him."

"B-but my dad--"

"That man does not deserve to be called your dad," Keishin interrupted immediately.  "From now on, he has no more say in your life.  You see him, you tell me immediately, ok?"

"No, you don't understand."  You shook your head slightly.  "He's taking me back to Tokyo," you murmured, your voice hoarse.

"Like hell he is," Keishin frowned, his fists clenching tightly at his sides.  Still, he did his absolute best not to show it outwardly, for fear of making your any worse than you already were.  "You're moving in with me once you get out, understood?"

You stared up at your elder brother figure in awe, your eyes misty.  "Y-you would really do that for me?"  Your chin was trembling as you spoke.  It made Keishin's chest hurt.  He should have noticed.  He should have figured out what that emotion was, which you'd hidden so well every time you spoke to him -- that slight tint of fear that was hidden behind your upbeat attitude.  He should have realized the state you were in.  And he should have helped you.

"We'll move you in the second you're well enough," Keishin finally responded, laying a heavy hand down on your head and rubbing your hair.  You leaned into his touch instinctually, the warmth feeling somewhat foreign to you.

"Excuse me."  You both froze and turned in the direction of the door to the hospital room.  Your eyes widened, and your heart almost stopped when you realized who was standing there.

"I'll give you two a minute," Keishin said somewhat awkwardly as he made his way out of the room.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here.  Were you visiting someone and heard my voice or something?"  You laughed, scratching at the back of your neck nervously.

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