Ch 12: Keishin-nii is a Coach

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"Rolling... THUNDER!!!"


"Pfft," you rushed to cover your mouth with your fist, turning away from Noya in order to hide how hard you were laughing. It was an impressive receive, sure, but the sound effects were a little much.

You grabbed onto Tsukki's arm, gasping as you attempted to stabilize yourself while tears were forming in the corner of your eyes from the force of your laughter.

"Take five, guys!" Takeda ran through the gym door, interrupting the team's laughter. "Guess what?! Great news!" We all gathered around to hear the teaching advisor out. "So, the golden week training camp -- we're all going this year aren't we?"

You frowned slightly. Training camp? That probably meant you'd be sleeping wherever it was being held, which might pose a problem. You'd have to wake up before everyone else and go to sleep after them if you had any hope of keeping them from figuring out your secret.

"Yeah, all of us can surely benefit from the practice," Daichi said.

"That's excellent," Takeda smiled, adjusting his glasses a bit. "'Cause on the last day of said training camp, I've arranged us a practice game!" You laughed at the teacher's antics and cheered along with the rest of your team.

"Wow, Take, you're really pullin' your weight!" Tanaka shouted.

"Who are we gonna be playing?" Suga asked.

"It's Nekoma High School. They're in Tokyo. People describe them as cat-like." You tensed up a bit. Nekoma, huh? Since they were in Tokyo, there was a chance they knew you. It shouldn't be too big of a problem, though. You'd managed to lie successfully to Keishin Ukai, someone you'd grown up playing with whenever your father would take you to visit his grandfather, and you'd always made a point of never participating in interviews or allowing your picture to be taken. You should be able to fool these guys too.

"Cat-like?" Hinata asked.

"Yeah, we actually know who those guys are," Tanaka nodded. "Our old coach was rivals with their coach, and we used to play them all the time." Ah, that reminded you; from what you remembered from living in Tokyo, their coach should be a setter who used to play for that old cat about 7 years ago, Manabu Naoi, although you had definitely heard more than just a few rumors that the old cat himself might be returning.

"Oh, that's right! They called it cats and birds, the famous Trashcan Showdown," Suga added.

"I can't believe people actually came to see that," Tsukki scoffed. You rolled your eyes and elbowed him harshly, causing him to cry out in protest.

"Would you quit it already?" You smirked at him. "Just be excited that we have someone to play against!"

"But, wait," Daichi interrupted. "We haven't played that school in a while, so why now?"

"It's simple, but I'll explain all the details later," Takeda smiled knowingly. "In short, I found out they were our adversary, and then I just had to stage a rematch!" He looked away and continued, though it seemed more like he was talking to himself now than anything else. "If we go up against Nekoma High, he'll change his tune."

Your eyes widened in realization. The reason he was outside Sakanoshita, 'trying to work on a solution,' the practice match against Nekoma? This was all so he could force Keishin to come take a look at the team and maybe even coach it! If he was able to get Keishin to coach... all of your problems might just solve themselves.

"Great! Looking forward to it, then. Let's make this practice game count, guys," Daichi pulled you from your thoughts.

"Right!" You nodded, smiling. You had been planning on going to convince that Asahi guy to rejoin you guys during your break tomorrow, but now that Keishin might join, your priorities had suddenly been shifted. You needed to get him to come here.

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