The Annual Brown Princess Baddies Kickoff

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Piyali and Zimran's dorm room was smaller than Monika's. The ceiling was laden with a ruby and sparkling gold sheet that added a slight sinister darkness to the room. A muted plexi-glass lamp was relaxing on a light oak table that asserted a comfortable division between two narrow beds.

Monika mindfully wandered her eyes around the room with a slight smile when she reached the overflowing suitcases that Piyali and Zimran seemed to share.

"Huh, I wonder what kinds of boys will be there tonight!" Piyali snatched a pair of dazzling violet jewel studs that shone in the almost setting sun. The window didn't have any curtains or blinds yet. So much for a hefty tuition that only covered "essential" costs in the dorm rooms, Monika thought to herself.

"I mean...probably a lot of Immigrant district dudes. Brown King U seems to have a lot of those." Zimran savoringly paced around the tiny dorm room. "As long as I'm not with no white washed loser, then we good."

"Huh? What's wrong with that? Not into light skins?" Piyali ran a light teal, uncooperative kanga through her thick, bushy locks.

"You know, you really shouldn't brush out your curls," Monika tilted her head, remembering her mother's advice. Piyali smooshed her face, sticking out a pasty tongue.

"I like em dark," Zimran quietly murmured, bracing herself for the judgement to commence. Her bony fingers swirled around the tornado of silk that her salwar trousers clasped around her knees.

Tonight was the Brown Princess Baddies Kickoff, the ultimate party to start of the academic year. It was by invitation only and if a freshman was invited, they were already one step ahead everyone else. Piyali, Zimran, and Monika were the only freshmen they knew who had received a personal invitation and they did not want to disappoint.

Dressed in a slinky emerald sari blouse, white ripped skinny jeans, and a shimmering black buckled belt, Monika patiently sat on the edge of Piyali's satin covered bed. "Guys, we better hurry. The party is literally in Stardom Apartments. It's going to take at least twenty minutes by carriage."

"Well, the little highness has a point," Zimran swished her silky locks that almost stuck to her dark navy blue pouted lips.

Jeez, I feel like that color is a bit dark even for Zimran. Monika giggled, quickly glancing at the half torn wooly flooring.

After the girls finally finished beating their faces, a grand trio of horses quickly arrived at Monika's surprisingly strong whistle. The sky was already dampening into a dark grey, potentially making way for a few shiny stars to appear.

Piyali's eyes widened at the stories of clear glass block buildings. They were decked with elaborate balconies that had enough room to fit miniature hot tubs. "Wow, this place is truly-,"

"A stardom," Monika nerviously glanced at her new friend, eyeing the various fountains decorated with a variety of shirtless guys. Zimran managed a chuckle. "No seriously! This place is amazing. I wonder how people can afford it," Monika attempted to conceal her thirst, rolling her eyes out of frustration.

"Girl, you half white. Why you worrying about affordability?" Piyali smacked her lips together. Zimran pursed her thin lips for so long that it seemed like she wanted her mouth to disappear altogether.

The entrance was seasoned with the same BPB executives at clubs week, but they looked unrecognizable. Shina was wearing a fuchsia lengha that seemed a bit too small for her waist. Monika noticed that the tallest one was wearing heels that caused her to tower almost as high as the apartment complex itself. Wow, I guess we actually do look pretty good!

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