Chapter Twenty

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Chester slammed on the brakes and made the jeep skid sideways across the gravel road.  Stones flew and the billowing cloud of dust behind him caught up and enveloped him.  He leaped through it and ran to the passenger side of Kik's vehicle. 

Chester didn't open the door.  He lifted Air from the seat and set his feet on the ground.

Chester gripped him by the shoulders and held him at arm's length.  He checked Air over and spun him.

"P',  I'm fine.  Really,  Nong was just driving me home."

Chess was still trying to catch his breath.  He looked white as a ghost and as if he might cry.  He seized Air until the boy's eyes bulged.  

While he was being squeezed so recklessly,  Air's face was away from Kik's.  

Chester was looking at Kik but speaking to Air, and, his grip got even tighter.  

Kik saw that Chess was going to say one thing, but, he changed it once he had Air in his arms.  His face went from half-angry, half-terrified, to a look of ease and utter, exhausted, relief.   
Chester started to breathe more evenly and rubbed one hand on Air's back. He spoke without showing the panic in his voice:
"I didn't know where you were,  that old Milo can be a handful when he wants to."

Chess's eyes closed.  "You're a teacher and my,  my love...  not a farmhand."

Kik was using a reassuring tone:  "Relax P',  I saw Milo,  he's calm and easy.  I think he enjoyed P'Air's company.  P'Air has a way with animals."  

Air gasped. He wiggled and asked Chess to let go.  He took a huge breath when he was released.

Chester looked a bit embarrassed.  He made a joke that Kik so kindly played along with:
"He did that to my dog.  Pilot loves Air more than me."

Kik put his hands in his pockets and snickered with Chess, but there was a pain of his own written on the boy's face. (Perhaps he was jealous of Pilot too.)

Kik made a wai and went for the door of his jeep.

Air was just behind Chess.

Chess said Kik's name.

The boy turned.

"Thank you, Nong."

Chess said it again after Kik opened his door.

"Thank you."

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