Chapter Twelve

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Not three minutes down the road,  and right where he'd ditched his sports car,  Chess pulled over into the grass. He yanked his phone from his pocket.

He didn't say anything to Air as he feverishly thumb-typed.  

Air didn't speak either.  He watched the insects flitter over the river's surface.  

The phone got tossed on the console and then Chester pulled back onto the road.  Chess's eyes passed over Air's bare legs.

"Are those goosebumps Nong?  Do you want me to turn the airconditioning down?"

"Maybe a little P'."  Air rubbed the tops of his thighs where Chess had been staring.

He stretched his neck and twisted.  Chess kept the vehicle steady on the road but was looking in the back seat.  "I think I might have a jacket or sweater here..."

"I'm fine P'.  Don't trouble yourself."

Chess was driving quite slow.  They travelled two more kilometres when Chess shared an enthusiastic wave with a man driving a tractor.  He had a young boy riding with him who was waving like crazy.  Air asked who they were.

"That's Bron,  a schoolmate of mine,  and the little fella is his son, Te.  He's a buddy of Del's.  He must have heard about the horse,  he looks kind of excited."

Chess put his attention again on the road.  Air studied his profile. 

"You know everyone around here,  don't you P'?"

The road was rough.  Chess kept his eyes forward when he replied.  "Unless they're brand new,  I suppose I do.  Most everyone born here, stays here." 
He turned and looked at Air as he finished his thought:  "Some of the young ones leave to go to school,  but they mostly come back."

The SUV was climbing and had been for the last ten minutes.  Air looked out the window. 
"I can see why, P',  it's so beautiful.

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