Chapter Fourteen

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Jet's girlfriend woke Air up when they reached the village.  She was thirsty and ran quickly into the grocery store.  It was the truck door closing that roused him.  Air sat up and saw It was pouring. Her rickety and shredded umbrella was not keeping her dry.

Jet twisted around and looked back at Air.  Air was folding the blanket that they had put over him when he passed out.  He was patting it.   "Thanks for this P'Jet."

"You must have been tired Nong,  you slept the whole way."  

Air made a wai and apologized.  "I hope P'Name doesn't think I'm rude."  (Name,  is Jet's girlfriend's name.)

Jet smiled and told him he was too polite,  he turned and faced forward again.

"We're just happy that you didn't get sick in that place.  Fair said it was bad."

"Oh,  but I did P'.  I had a fever for three days."

"Oy!  Don't tell Chess that."  Jet mumbled something about Chester flipping out.

"Ah,  I told Fair."

Jet peeked at Air in the rear-view mirror.  Air could see his smirk.

Jet sounded entertained when he spoke next:  "Nong'Fair must have kept that to himself."

Air was about to ask Jet with complete and innocent sincerity:  "What's so funny about that P'?"

Just then,  his wet girlfriend hopped in the front seat.  Her umbrella was now beaten to the point that it would no longer close.  She walked slowly and calmly to the garbage can and threw it in with disgust.  Name was now sopping wet.

A few minutes later they were at the closed gate of Wang Nam Farms.

Jet stopped.  His girlfriend was looking through her purse for the key.  "Why is it closed?  Chess knew what time you'd be back."

As the words were coming from the girl's mouth,  Chester appeared on the inside of the gate; he was unlocking it.  He pushed the right side open first,  and then shoved the left.  Jet moved forward until Chess was right beside his door.  

Jet opened his window.  He was about to ask why the gate was closed.

Chess didn't stop them so that he could talk to Jet.  He leaned and peered past Jet and at the back seat.

"Will you kindly explain to me the math,  teacher Air?"

Jet and his girlfriend were motionless.  They didn't even look back as Air replied.

"Pardon P',  the math?"

"Seven days Nong,  a week consists of seven days."

Air could see now that Chester was in a strange frame of mind.

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