a little older | shemar moore.

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"I'M SO SICK OF IT." Nirvana said wholeheartedly.
"Sick of what 'Vana?" Angell asked, looking through a magazine as the both of them were having a pedicure.
"Fuckin' with men period. You remember when I told you about Ty about a month ago?"
"Ooh that fine, lightskin, green-eyed brotha'? Hell yeah!"
Nirvana rolled her eyes, "Well he dumped me, over text."

Angell gasped, "For what?!"
She sighed, "I don't even know. He was talking about some 'it's not you it's me' type shit." She flipped a page, "But it's ok tho, he was just for the moment anyway."
"..You didn't feel any type of way for that boy?"
"Okay maybe I'm kind of mad it was over text. Like you couldn't even come in person and tell me?! Especially after I gave him some?! I'm soo done with men." She shook her head.

"That wasn't a man, that was a boy Vana."
She looked at her and nodded, her hand going on her chin.
"What am I gonna do Angell? I don't wanna keep going through this cycle."
She closed the magazine, "You ever thought about going.. a bit.. older?"
"How old?"
"I don't know like.. 30?" Angell bit her lip.
"30?!" Nirvana almost shouted but she caught herself. "Are you crazy? I'm only 24!"
She rolled her eyes, "We're grown Vana! Why don't you just switch it up a bit,"
"Even if I did, where am I gonna find a mature, fine 30 year man?"
Angell smirked, "Well.."

"I don't know about this A."
"Well too bad. I gave him your number. He'll gonna call you later today."
"Angell! I didn't even give you permission to do that." She scoffed.
"I knew you weren't, that's the point."
Nirvana sighed. ".. So what's wrong with this cousin of yours?"
"He's kind of nerdy."
"How nerdy is kind of nerdy?"
"Like he's really into conspiracy theories and science."
"..That's why he's single?"
"No, he's single because he has bad taste."
"Hmm okay." Vana mumbled. "Well, I gotta get home to watch my show."
Angell and Vana shared a tight hug, reminding both their next hang out day.

8:30 PM.
Nirvana fully laid her nightly face mask before getting into bed to get a early sleep in. Right as she was about to put her head on her pillow, her phone rang.
She sighed in irritation, not paying attention to the number, she answered in a annoyed tone. "Hello?"
"Hey I'm Shemar, Angell's cousin? Is this a bad time?" His deep but soft voice introduced through the phone.
Nirvana's eyes went wide as she quickly sat up and cleared her throat. "O-Oh no no not at all! I wasn't doing anything at all."
"Oh! Great.. would you like to go on a date on Saturday?"

"What makes you think you deserve to take me out Mr. Shemar?"
He chuckled, "I don't think I deserve to take you out. But I know I gotta find some way to get to know you, you're very gorgeous Miss Nirvana. I just want to show you what happiness could be."
Nirvana was speechless. Expecting him to say the same thing every other guy she's gave a try—it was surprising to hear something else.
".. How's 7?"

"So.. Angell told me you're into conspiracy theories." Vana mentioned as she sipped a glass of champagne that was ordered to their table.
She swore she saw his eyes sparkle when she said something about it.
"Yes! ..Would you like to hear one of them? It's fine if you don't, not many-"
She smiled, "I would love to."
// 15 minute time skip..

"You're a really great guy Shemar." Nirvana complimented as she bit her lip. "The age gap.. really doesn't bother you?"
He laughed, "Does you bother you beautiful?"
She blushed. "No. Not really."

"Then we're both okay with it—We're both pretty grown anyway."
"You're right."
The waiter coincidentally was coming with their food.
"Thank God I was about to die over here.."
"I swear if they forgot to take off the pickles.." They both said in their minds.
"Start eating shall we?"

Nirvana & Shemar laughed and talked throughout the ride back to her house.
Vana's expectation was less then what was represented. The experience with Shemar was so new to her. And she didn't mind the change at all.
When arrived, he walked her to the doorstep.
"That was honestly the best date I've ever had." She smiled.
"Same for me Nirvana." He shyly agreed.
She bit her lip before kissing him on the lips.
He didn't expect her to do such, but he kissed back and his hands gently went on her waist.

Vana had to catch herself from getting too far into the kiss and going inside with him. She let go of the pull.
Shemar cleared his throat, sticking his hands into his pockets.
She licked her bottom lip, "Do you think we could do this again?"

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