jealousy | merlin santana.

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// gincity , thank you for the guy :).
TARAJI P. HENSON (young taraji) — as TINA.

"AWESOME JOB AT THE MEETING today! The presentation you made was perfect." Tina's boss, Jamel, complimented.
She smiled, "Thank you boss! I really tried my best," Tina said, picking up her bags.
"Look uh, I'll try to see what I can do to get you a raise okay?"
Her eyes brightened. A raise?!
"Yes sir! Thank you so much! But I have to get goin'. My boyfriend is waiting out for me."
Jamel nodded, waving. "See you tomorrow Miss Emeralds."

Tina headed out to Marvin's car, excited to share the news.
"Hey baby! Sorry it took so long." She said putting on her seatbelt.
"I've been sitting out here for 20 minutes baby, what took so long?" He asked starting up the Jeep.
"I was talking to my boss about our meeting today. By the way, I have some really great n-"

"Damn him again Tina?" Marvin exaggerated.
She raised a eyebrow, "What do you mean him again?"
"Nothing. What's ya' good news?" He said trying to avoid the subject now.
"Oh no, don't try to change the subject now Marvin. What's wrong with my boss?"
Marvin sighed, "I see when y'all be laughing and talking T. And I see the way he be lookin' at you. And that just make me you know.. feel kinda uneasy."

Tina giggled, "Marvin are you serious?"
"I know it sounds stupid-"
"Baby trust me, we just talk about work. I only got eyes for you & nobody else." She assured, putting a kiss on his cheek.
Marvin shyly smiled as he made a turn into their neighborhood. "I know ma I just get a lil—jelly sometimes. I don't want nobody takin' away my Tina."
"And I'm not gon' let em."

They parked into the driveway, starting to walk into their polished home.
"Now what is this good news you was talking about baby?"
"Oh! You know how I was telling you about that big meeting and presentation I had to do today?"
"The one you was overthinking about?"
Tina playfully rolled her eyes, "Yes the one I was overthinking about."

Marvin chuckled, "So how'd it go?" He asked taking off her heels for her as she sat on the couch.
"It went perfect! And my boss said I can get a raise! Isn't that great Mar?!" She grinned.
"Oh shit—I'm so proud of you T! Maybe next time you can get a promotion to editor in chief." He said hugging her with excitement.
"I know right?" She laughed.
".. Aw, you was really jealous." She teased.
Marvin smacked his lips, "Want me show you jealous? Huh?" He started tickling her neck and stomach.
"Mar—Marvin stop!" Tina tried to make out laughing hard, squirming from the action.
"Oh I'm sorry, I can't hear you baby?" He teased.
"Stop you jerk!" She giggled as he stopped tickling.
Marvin grabbed her face and kissed her on the lips. "I love you so much."
"I love you too.. jelly bean." Tina joked, running away from him as she knew he would start chasing her.

(Sorry y'all, I know this one was short😩.)

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