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"You will marry him and that is final!" My father yells. "if you want to become queen of this kingdom you have to marry him!". He storms out, leaving me in tears. He wanted me to marry Zyguard bloodworth. He was wealthy and my father said that he was a good king to be by my side. My mother then pulled me aside into an empty room of the castle "Y/n my dear, you need to leave. You have to runaway ok? Martin is the only person you can trust. He will bring you to this school of magic. l never told you this but you are a witch just like me. A Half-blood. Martin will explain everything to you on your way there. Your things are already packed. Be careful with who you trust and your identity as a princess must remain a secret." She cried out. "But mother no- I can't leave you here. Father is evil and cruel...He will hurt you." I said on verge of tears. "I'll be alright love. Stay safe" she said and cups my cheek. She takes of the necklace that she was wearing and wraps it around my neck. It was pretty simple but had a big sapphire jeweling it. It was a family heirloom. She hugged me addressing her goodbyes then I ran to my room. I quickly changed from my gown to formal clothes. I kept my crown though. It was very dear to me. I ran outside and jumped into the carriage. Martin, my trusty butler, sat next to me. We then drove all the way to Hogwarts.

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