01- I want to be better!

43 7 20

Read the epilogue first, it will make sense later I promise!!! :)
Have a great experience <3

Usually, having dreams, in my opinion, shouldn't be something considered normal, I would say it's out of the ordinary. However we do have an explanation, and it's not remembering the dreams as soon as we wake up, but I'm probably just dead inside!

Childhood traumas might also influence dreams or maybe these pills that "help", honestly it makes me more numb, yet makes me want to fall asleep, and makes me wake up even more exhausted than I was. The label told me it was anti-depressants. Pfft lies!

I live in a reasonable size apartment for one person. My life has never been easy, but whose life hasn't? I decided to leave the house before I even solved my main problems. I brought my cat in this with me, but Luca died a short time after I got this house, just when I thought everything was going to improve. The irony, right?


A muffled, far noise, was enough to wake me up. My phone rang. I went to it, dragging my feet as my legs refuse to wake up.

"Hello?" I say in a hoarse voice.

"Hey, good morning !!" The person through the line speaks in excitement.

"Good morning Wilbur." Wilbur was a friend from school, the same school I unraveled when I left that house.

"Are you feeling better? I know you aren't eating."

"I can't." I know what I'm doing with my health, but my desire to get up is getting weaker, I get lost working, and end up submersed in it, and in a blink of an eye it's three in the morning. Sustaining myself with codes and more codes on my computer screen.

"I know." Wilbur says. "I don't know exactly how you feel... this still worries me." Wilbur is the best of friends I could have asked for, and the only one. So great that he insisted on motivating me at least a little, for me to go out and take a breath, or remember to do important things from time to time, eat, take a shower things like that.

I'm a bad friend though, for hanging up countless times when he spoke of the subject, but even so, Wilbur knows he can not force me, if he does it ends up discouraging me even more.

"Please, George, eat something." He told me a little inflicted. I knew he wasn't going to be quiet until I had gotten better. Maybe I'm being a bit dramatic and rude, but deep down my tired mind manipulates me.

"..." I sighed and hung up. "Sorry, Wil." I said when there wasn't anyone more than me to listen. Maybe it's my fault, but what I can do besides surviving, even in the state I'm in?

I threw my phone through the room until it reached my bed, and I end up suffocating in my thoughts. "What if"! What if everything was different? Maybe I could be myself again... What if I rushed? What if...

——————— POV: WILBUR!

I decided to go to George's house, a time after the call. George gave me a key, if something happens, I don't care I'll be entering.

Turning the door key I enter the house. Silence is all I can hear, it was too loud even for me. I passed the living room until I reached his room. I looked through the ajar door not spotting George, the room is too dark, the only source of light being the window with white curtains which was closed, the natural light still found its way, but it wasn't enough, I quickly get used to the dark. I looked again, finally sighting George, sitting on the rug, crying. That left a knot in my throat.

He is shrunken, one hand hugging his legs and another almost ripping out his hair. I hesitated to open the door, and carefully walk to him, I knelt beside him, making him jump a little. George is clearly tired, his eyes show me how much he suffers, they're wide open because of the surprise, but with dark circles and red cheeks. My chest is in pain from seeing so much accumulated suffering, his tears do not stop, his heart shouted and I hear it.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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