chapter 5

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//Harry's POV//

Louis Fucking Tomlinson just said he was in love with me. I need out of here. I need to see him. I have to tell him I love him too!

I think as Louis runs out. I call for him but he doesn't reply. I feel so tired.

So I lay down. And then i fall into a restless sleep.

//Time skip to when Harry gets out of hospital//

We're walking to the bus and I can't help but ask the boys where Louis is, because he didn't come back last night or today. "Oh, I think he's in the bus asleep...He was asleep in your bunker..." Liam replies. What? He was asleep in my bunker? Should I...? "Um...Okay..." I mumble after a moment of silence.

Niall and Zayn walk in first, and then Liam and I walk in. I say to the boys "Can you guys not go back there for awhile? I need to talk to Louis...Alone..." I say quietly. "Sure mate. We won't bother you!" Niall says. I mumble a quick thanks.

I walk down the hall, to where the bunkers are and i walk in. Like Liam said, Louis is asleep in my bunker. I think about it for a moment, and then I walk over, take my shirt and pantsoff so that i'm in my boxers like Louis, and lay down with him. I try not to wake him, but it doesn't work. "Mmm Harry..." He says in a tired voice. God his morning voice... "Yeah Lou?" I say as I wrap my arms around him. "Go back to sleep baby" I whisper in his ear. He shivers. I think he came to realize that this wasn't a dream, because he turns extremely fast and looks and me, then he pushes me off the bed.

"What the hell are you doing sleeping with me you faggot?!" Louis says angry. "The fuck Louis?! Your the one in my bed! And you fuckng said you loved me last night! Why the fuck are you acting like this again?" I ask even more angry than Louis. " Oh...Right...Sorry." He answers, not looking me in the eyes. he gets up and starts to walk over to his bunker but I grab his hand and pull him to me. "I love you too, Lou" I whisper in his ear, and without another word, I lay down in my bed and fall asleep.

//Louis POV//

//Time skip to when Harry wakes up//

Before Harry woke up, I just sat there in my bed stunned. Harry loved me to? This has to be a dream...Did I even tell Harry that i loved him? I pinch my arm to see if i would wake up. I didn't.

Harry woke up about 5 minutes ago. he is still laying in his bed though. I'm staring emotionlessly at the wall. I feel weird. Like I fell into a black hole or something. All the thoughts consume me. I wonder if this is how Harry felt? This overwhelming darkness. You don't feel anything. You just feel numbness in your brain. actually, everywhere. You feel like you can't even move.

""LOUIS?! EARTH TO LOUIS!" Harry yells, waving a hand in my face. I look up and say in a monotone voice "What do you want Harry" He looks at me funny. "Louis...I asked if you wanted some lunch...I'm hungry so I was going to go make something" He says. "A fat ass like you doesn't need food. You should starve yourself. Maybe you'll be less fat" I say, still in a monotone voice, without really looking at him. Harry looks down, and I know he has tears building up in his eyes. "Okay..."

//Harry's POV//

Fine. If he thinks I'm fat, then i probably am. So i'll try to be perfect for him. I will be perfect for him. I will from now on only eat one meal a day. If that. Louis did say I should starve myself so...I should. I don't deserve food anyways. I think as I walk into the kitchen, sitting next to Niall.

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