chapter 2

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/Louis's P.O.V//

"Louis! Louisssss! Man, Come on we have an interview! Get up!" Zayn yells in my ear, waking me. "Okay, Okay, i'm up!" I sit up and yell back. "Mate, have you been crying? Your eyes are extremely red!" thanks, Zayn for stating the obvious. "No, I just have allergies or something. Been rubbing em all night" Lie. "Um...Okay...Want an allergy pill? I think there's one...Aha! found it!" Zayn hands me a pill he got from his bag and hands me a water bottle. "Thanks" "Any time. Now go get ready! we have to leave in thirty minute!" Zayn replies.

"shit! why didn't you wake me up sooner?!" I say, and jump out of my bed and run to the bathroom, but not before seeing Zayn smirk. I slow down and walk to the bathroom and just as I open the door I run into Harry. He looks pale and dead to be completely honest. His once bright green eyes are now a dull lifeless green, as if all the life has been sucked out of him. "sorry" Hes says emotionless, without even looking at me.

"Yeah you should be you fag!" I whisper into his ear, and regret it immediately. I don't say anything though, I just shove his shoulder and walk into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

//after shower//

I look into the mirror and see that my eyes really are red. I'm also kinda pale. Oh well. I brush my hair out and gel it into a quiff and run too the bunkers to get my clothes on. I choose a white t-shirt with ripped up grey skinny jeans. "Let's go boys! We're taking cars, not the bus this time!" Paul yells. we all get into the car and about 15 minutes later, we're at the interview.

//During interview//

"So boys, How does this new album sound? Like whats the biggest difference compared to your last album?" the Interview lady asks. "There's not really a massive difference, and we try to keep it quite similar" I say and then I hear liam blowing into his microphone and its super annoying so I say "uh- That's going to be all over the mic" Liam just says something that i don't catch so i look away. "Anyways. There's not going to be that much difference. It's going to uh...It's gonna be very similar to the...first...Someone else just take it" I say after zoning out a bit thinking about Harry, and not understanding what i'm saying.

The whole rest Of the interview i don't talk. I'm pretty sure i look miserable, which is true, I am. I can't help but think What have i done? i've made Harry cut himself. I've made him not want to live! what the hell have i done?! We say or goodbye's to the interviewer, and make our way to the car. "Louis, mate you okay? You didn't talk the whole time" Liam asks. "Yeah, just really didn't like that interview. Sorry"

//Harry's P.O.V//

Louis looked downright miserable in the interview. I wanted to think that maybe it was because he saw my cuts last night and he felt bad, but it probably wasn't. I mean why would he care about me? He already said I could kill myself and he wouldn't car- "Harry what the hell is that?!" OH FUCKING SHIT! "What are you talking about Zayn?" He walks over to me and says softly "Harry, what is on your arms?" fuckkkk i'm screwed! "Nothing!" "Harry..." Zayn grabs my arm and lifts up my sleeves. I sqeeze my eyes shut, and Zayn, Niall Liam, and Louis' breath all hitch.

"Harry...Why d-did you do this-why did you cut yourself?!" Niall whispers loudly. silence for a few seconds and then i lose it. "Because I'm fucked up! I'm fucked up and pathetic, and disgusting, and everybody leaves,and nobody cares, and I fucking hate myself! Is that what you fucking want to hear?! For fucks sake!" My voice is shakier than i'd like, and full of pain.

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