Taehyung and Jungkook alsways said,

"It is their honour to have Seol. When he came their world changed, filled with love for him, their precious child. It is for them to defend you, to care, to help him mature into who he was born to be - not a small version of him or Taehyung  but his own self. It is their God given duty to protect Seol from any harm. He is the internal light in both of their hearts"

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Seol was patiently waiting for his Dada by the door after he got showered and dressed up being a good boy to his mumma just like his Dada asked. Jungkook came downstairs after getting ready as well.

Jin and Jimin were preparing the table as the younger approached him. He greeted them good morning and got a hug from Jimin and a forehead kiss from Jin. No matter how much time has passed, Jungkook was still their little baby and so was Seol. Jungkook still got pampered as a baby liked he used to before Seol was born. The love and care never changed for Jungkook.

"Koo, did you talk to Taebear?" Jimin asked and the younger shook his head with a pout.

"Are you still angry at him?" Jin asked with a chuckle.

"Yes" Jungkook huffed, puffing his cheeks cutely.

Oh yes, Jungkook was mad at his husband because these 2 weeks Taehyung was so busy in the mission that he couldn't talk to his baby Koo although whenever Seol would call him he would talk to him and end it right after. According to Jungkook, his husband never asked how his baby Koo was doing. Although, the younger was oblivious that Taehyung was getting constant updates about his baby Koo from his mom and his best friend.

"DADA!" The trio heard a loud scream of excitement from Seol indicating that Taehyung, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok were home.

Jungkook suddenly felt all the anger vanishing to null as he slowly approached the living room following behind Jin. He was immediately met with a lovely sight of Taehyung showering his baby Seol with a lots of kisses and his baby was giggling, hugging his Dada.

"Mumma, Dada came" Seol giggled looking at his mumma.

Taehyung looked at his baby Koo and stretched out his hand for him to take. The younger followed and was immediately engulfed in a little family hug. After two weeks, they felt the warmth again.

"I love you Sweetheart" Taehyung suddenly said and kissed Jungkook's forehead.

"I love you too" Jungkook whispered back, loud enough for Taehyung to hear.

"Hey baby Seol" Hoseok said and took Seol in his arms.

"Uncle Hobi I missed chu" Seol said melting everyone with his cuteness.

As promised, they had breakfast together after two long weeks. The breakfast was once again filled with giggles and laughters. The air screamed love and euphoria and this was the family's usual atmosphere.

Seol was playing downstairs as Jungkook and Taehyung were back in the bedroom. Jungkook was complaining about how mad he was at his husband and Taehyung was listening to him fondly, smitten like always.

"You talked to Seol and not me, I thought you didn't want to talk to me anymore, I was mad so so mad but then Ma told me that you were talking about me to him. Then why didn't you talk to me? You are a meanie TaeTae" Jungkook huffed yet again.

"I am sorry my sweetheart, I was just teasing you. I wanted to see this cute side of yours so I did now c'mon don't be mad at your TaeTae anymore. I missed my baby Koo so much" Taehyung said and kissed Jungkook softly, the younger immediately kissed back.

They pulled apart and Taehyung said,

"I love you, I am so in love with you"

"I love you too TaeTae" Jungkook replied.

"You are my happy ending TaeTae and I am yours. Because around you I have the serenity I've been seeking, and I know I am the same for you. So take me in those arms of yours because I wish to stay there, safe and warm also I have missed you so freaking much"

That was all Jungkook had to say and he was engulfed in the strong, safe and warm arms of his husband. The journey of EUPHORIA from Null to Infinity was indeed a beautiful ride.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

💜 Taekook's baby Seol 💜

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💜 Taekook's baby Seol 💜

💜 Taekook's baby Seol 💜

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