Chapter 2

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"Oh babe, I've got plenty of time." He said with that stupid smirk playing on his lips. I stared at the attractive boy for a long second, before letting out a deep sigh and supporting all of my weight back on my elbows.

"I might regret telling a complete stranger all of this later, but hey I don't know anyone in this hell hole so why not?" I mumble, but loud enough for the boy to hear. He nodded and kept his eyes lingering on my face, as if telling me to go on whenever I pleased.

"Where should I start?" I said as I tugged the green grass out of the ground by my sides.

"Very beginning." He says, sprawling his heavenly legs out in front of him. I let out a deep sigh before tucking my knees to my chest and crossing my arms over them.

"Alright, well to be blunt, my mother died a few months back, and it's been really hard on me. She was my best friend, the one I did everything with. She was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, and the doctors just kind of stopped trying because nothing was helping her. She died the day after New Years, which left me with my fucking dad who honestly probably couldn't care less about me. He decided that we needed something different since everything back in my old town was a reminder of my mother, so here I am in California talking to you."

"Where did you live?" The boy asked.

"Oklahoma" I said with a quick shrug of my shoulders. "It was small but I liked it. I went to school with the same people all the way from kindergarten to Junior year, so I don't know why my dad chose to have me leave senior year, it'll be taking all the fun away. I already miss my friends tons, and it's only been 7 and a half days, senior year will be hell."

"What school will you be attending?" He asked.

"Um Edgewood I think it's called? I don't know I heard its gigantic." I said while brushing the hair out of my face. "Where do you go to school?"

The boy smirked and glanced over to me. "Edgewood. I'll help you around babe."

"Thanks, but you don't exactly seem like one who actually goes to class in my opinion." I honestly say to the curly haired boy.n"Let me guess, you skip class all the time?" I smirk

"Wow what would make you think that sweetheart?" He joked, chuckling towards the end.

"Oh I don't know, maybe just the cocky attitude, tattoos, and piercings?" I joke back, crossing my feet over one another.

"Wow, your good." He says.

"Now, tell me about yourself, since I guess we'll be spending at least some time together for the next year possibly." I say.

"Do you want to know everything?" He asks, and I nod. The boy takes a deep breath before speaking. "Well, I used to live in England, I don't know if you noticed the accent or not but most say it is pretty noticeable. My dad left my mum and I, and my mum was transferred to the U.S. for her job about two years ago. I don't like it here as much, and plan to leave once I'm done with high school. I haven't spoken to my dad ever since he left us, for reasons I'm not exactly comfortable sharing with you only because I met you ten minutes ago. Oh, and I have one sister named Gemma, who lives back in England with her gay ass boyfriend."

"Do you have friends here?" I ask, my curiosity taking over. This boy seemed mysterious almost.

"Well of course, I have multiple friends. I go to a lot of parties, In fact I'm going to one tomorrow night at my friend Liam's house. Um I'm going to be honest, I do drink. I drink a lot, and I also sleep around. Might as well tell you now while I can."

"Hey. At least you were honest." I shrug. "I'm not Ms. Perfect either." I say.

"Oh really, I'd like to hear all about your raging party stories!" The boy says, sarcasm noticable in his tone.

"I've had sex multiple times I'll have you know." I reply, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Funny, you look like a virgin to me." Harry says, raising his eyebrows while looking me up and down, making me feel offended as well as uncomfortable. The boy put his hand in his pocket, and was moving something that sounded like paper. I wanted to ask what it was, but decided to ignore it because it was probably just the number of some girl who would give him a blowjob later today. "So, What is your name?" He asked, shaking me out of my thoughts.

"Sarah. You?"

"I'm Harry, but I prefer Sex God if you please."

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