10) one day

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We walked hand in hand across the local park, it was a warm Friday evening, families where out walking their dogs, kids playing football and other couples spending time with one and other
"I like it here" I said
"You do?"
"Yes, it seems very homely and kind"

he looked a little sad I don't think I'd considered that him seeing fathers play catch with their sons and family's playing games would effect him, I grasped his hand
"We can go if you'd like"
"It's quite alright" we continued walking "do you ever think of the future ?" He asked
Truth be told I did, I'm one for the traditional lifestyle but I always daydream about having a family with him, our wedding day, sending our kids to school, I'd always imagine a big Christmas with our family, but I couldn't Tell him this, I didn't want to frighten him.

"Sometimes" I simply answered
"Sometimes huh? any specific"
"I don't want to scare you"
"I assure you, you will not"
"I just think about having a family, getting married, growing old together, the little things"
He gave a sympathetic smile
"I see"
"I'm sorry"
"No no do not apologies"
"I don't want to pressure you"
"You are not, I would like this future with you one day, but I need a little more time"
"I can wait"
he smiled
"Would you want a dog or a cat?" He asked
"Definitely a dog"
"You see I'd have to agree with you there!"
"what would you name it?"
"I'm not sure, maybe Fred?"
"Fred" I said nearly choking on Laughter
"What's wrong with Fred!"
"Nothing but it's very random, everything you say normally has a purpose"
"I just like the name for a dog"
he clutched him around the arm and rest my head against him as we continued to walk
Some day.

This was so short I know I'm sorry agh
I've got assessment after assessment at school at the moment but I'm going to try write this weekend
ily all <3

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