4) Men and Women

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Shopping with Helmut was always for various reasons, he was hilarious in shops, he'd always put on the silliest items, and two he'd pay for everything. And I mean everything.

Now it was for the best part of the day, lunch
We found a little cafe where the food looked nice and took a seat
"Are you guys ready to order?" the waitress asked, I couldn't help but check her out, she was rather beautiful, like genuinely beautiful
"Y/n?" Zemo prompted
"Sorry Um, huh I'll have the um ( you choose what you want besties) please"
"Of course ma'am, and what about you sir"
"I'll take the ( choose what Zemo orders because this could be funny)"
"Of course, won't be long thank you" she said collecting the menus and leaving

"I saw that y/n"
"Saw what?"
"You got all shy around the waitress"
I blushed "what I did not"
"You most certainly did, it's nothing to be ashamed of, I see men I find attractive all the time"
"You do?"
"Yes, I prefer not to label myself but I do find both men and women attractive"
"I never knew that about you Helm, I guess I don't label myself either I just find some girls attractive, but don't worry, you're the only apple of my eye"
"I truly am honoured I'm glad we spoke about this"
"Me too" it was nice, learning new things about him, never in a million years would I have have said he'd be this excepting
"Your girlfriend is coming backing with our food"
"Don't call her that" he laughed at me as I kicked him underneath the table

"The ( your food ) for the lady, and the (zemos food) for the mister"
"Thank you"
"Is there anything else I can get you?"
"My friend here would like your number"
"Helmut! Imsorryaboutthat"
"It's completely okay, and here you go" she passed me a slip of paper which she'd quickly scribbled her number on and I gulped
"Call me" She said leaving
"Helmut you do realise I'm your partner right? And you just like got me a girls number?"
"I'm aware of that, I've always liked the idea of a threeso"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence"

I low-key lover that chapter! Remember to request <3

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