2) I hate you

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"Do you ever stop talking"
"I'll talk to you later" I say hanging up the phone
"Excuse me, but I do believe that my conversation had nothing to do with you"

Bucky had decided to break Baron Zemo out of jail to help up us with the super solider mission we where on, and you'd think he'd tread lightly since he's on thin ice, but all he was doing was winding me up!

"Listen if Bucky and Sam hadn't asked me to babysit you whilst they are out looking for leads I'd be out of here, but that's not the case, so could we just sit in silence"
"Silence is boring"
"Dear god would  you make your mind up"
"So are you an avenger?"
"An avenger, I don't remember you"
"I wasn't part of the team during your time, and your lucky for that, I would have beat your arse"
"I seriously doubt that darling"
"Bite me Zemo"

I make my way towards the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea
"Could you pass me some Turkish delight?"
"You actually expect me to get you something after that"
"Well yes"
"Get it yourself"
"God your so stubborn"
"Part of the charm"
"There is no charm about you"
"Oh come on admit it, Your attracted to me"
"I can assure you I am not "
He had stood up and made his way to the opposite side of the counter I was standing at
"Come on y/n the teasing and arguing, I must be driving you insane"
"You've got a lot of self confidence you know that right"
"I'm aware, but I'm never wrong"
"Your never wrong huh? Want to talk about the time you blew up th-"
"Alright you've made your point" he snapped "As much as I enjoy the back to back arguments, it's tiering, so do us both a favour and just admit it" he had made his way over to Stand next to me now
"Zemo the only feelings I have towards you are pure disgust, you make me so angry, when I see you my jaw stiffens and my blood boils, yes your attractive but I could nev-"  great job y/n
"Ha! You admitted it"
"What" I say trying to play dumb
"You said I was attractive" I looked at him dumbly "like I said I'm always right"
"You know what I'm absolutely sic-"
His lips pressed against mine pulling my face closer to his, I pulled back
"What the fuck are you doing"
"Well I was kissing you" he said putting emphasis on the was
"Don't do shit like that"
"Come on you liked it"
"So what if I did? Consent is key" (an: this fanfic is jokey but please remember consent is very important <3 )
Truth be told I did like it, and I shouldn't, that's Baron Zemo, he tore my friends apart, he's a criminal, but I couldn't deny he was attractive, I was trying to think straight, if Sam and Buck saw this they'd loose their shit, but at the same time he looked really good, his hair was all thrilled up and he wore a smug smile
"Yano I hate you?"
"Of course"
I pulled him in by the top of his jacket and kissed him, his lips where rough and tasted of Turkish delight (obviously) he was a surprisingly good kisser you know considering he's been I prison for years, his hands where around my waist and he slowly backed me up against the wall our body's where locked together, the kiss was becoming intense when

Zemo backed away extremely quickly and I turned to see Sam Barley holding Bucky back
"Scheiße" (fuck)
"Bucky I can explain"
"Bucky no-"  Sam said, he had lost his grip and Zemo was now being chased around the apparent by a raging Bucky Barnes, Sam looked at me and mouthed "really" I shrugged and we both laughed over the two men.

Ew I hate that  but hope yall enjoyed
Comment requests 💞
Sorry for all typos

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