Scene 2

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The scene opens up to show Saya sleeping on a spare cot bed bandaged up with James beside her gently holding her right hand and Dr. Kevin off to the side a bit whipping his hands dry after changing her bandages.

James - [Worried.] "Are you sure she'll be okay?"

Dr. Kevin - *sighs softly* "Yes, I'm sure she will be."

James looks at him really worried.

James - [Worried.] "But, why is she still breathing hard?"

Dr. Kevin - "It's the infection causing her to have a really high fever."

James - [Worried.] "But-"

Dr. Kevin quickly turns to him while glaring slightly.

Dr. Kevin - [A bit stern] *tired sigh* "Look James, I know you're really worried and all, but it's been two days now. It's late so go to sleep. Okay? I'm sure she'll be awake tomorrow."

James looks back at Saya and gently squeezes her hand.

James - [slightly worried] *soft sigh* "Okay, I-"

Dr. Kevin - "Maybe."

James quickly whipped his head towards the doctor with a frightened and worried look.

James - [panicky/worried] "What!? What do you mean 'maybe'!?"

Dr. Kevin - [calmly] "Oh calm down. I'm sure she will. From what you told me so far, she's a true fighter. So she'll wake up soon. Now, if you don't mind I'll be going to bed. And so should you."

Dr. Kevin left right afterwards to his own makeshift room.

James still wasn't sure as he watched him leave, bit he still got as comfortable as possible using his left arm and her right side as a pillow while now holding her left hand. He fell asleep after a few seconds of closing his eyes. His body finally giving out from exhaustion. But if he had stayed awake for a little bit longer he would've seen her take her last breath and would've been able to keep her from dying from the fever frying her brain.

Dr. Kevin woke up a few hours from James's devastated screaming. He comes running in there to see what happened, only to stop at the doorway in both shocked and worry. For he saw Saya's pale dead body. And James sobbing on her chest while slowly rocking back and forth. Dr Kevin slowly walks over to them, and hesitantly put his hand on his right shoulder in awkward comfort.

James - [devastated whispering] "Why?... Why did you have to die again Saya?"

Dr. Kevin - "I'm so sorry James... I didn't know her fever was that high.." After a few moments realized something he said, "Wait, again?"

James - [nods] "Yes... Again.."

Dr. Kevin - "What do you mean? Has she died before?"

James - [tenses as he realized his slip up in his dispair] *nervous* "Um..."

Before he could explain, there was a soft groan.

James - [hopeful and worried] ".. Saya?..."

Dr. Kevin thinking she turned was trying to pull James away.

James - [gets out of his grip] "Stop! She didn't turn!"

Dr. Kevin - [angry] "How do you know that!? She's infected with the virus!"

James - [mad] "I should know cause she's immune to the virus! And so am I!"

Dr. Kevin - [shocked] "What?"

James - "Yes! And it's because of The fucking Lab!"

Before he could say anything Saya started to twitch a bit.

For A Zombie Apocalypse Show I'm Still Working on. (Discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora