Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I promised that this one would be extra extra long so it took me while so... ENJOY



"Blaze... You look nice. Oh and Niall wants you to meet him in his room." Liam said ss I walked through the door.

"Umm I don't know where his flat is." I said shyly.

"Oh its The one across the hall." He said

"Ok, thanks" I said as I headed across the hall.


I nervously knocked on Niall's door and waited for him to answer.

He answered it in a few seconds.

He looked amazing he was wearing a white polo and tan chinos with a pair of white high tops.

His hair was perfectly styled (as always) and his blue eyes were sparkling even brighter than usual.

Compared to him I felt really under dressed.

"Hi Blaze, I'm ready to go, let me just grab my jacket" He said while grabbing the jacket that was on the back of the door.

Then he locked the door and turned to me.

"You look really beautiful.." He said and grabbed my hand.

I looked down at our hands and back at him. He was blushing. He attempted to pull his hand away but I stopped him. Then we walked down the hall towards the lift.

He pressed the button to request it and turned to me.

"Where are we going to dinner Niall?" I asked him while our fingers entwined.

"Will Nandos be ok?" He asked shyly.

"Yeah, I've heard about their chicken." I replied

The Lift arrived, we stepped in and the door closed.

"You haven't been to Nandos before." He said with a shocked tone.

"Nope, I don't go out to dinner." I replied

The door opened and Niall lead me towards the main road where there was a LIMO.

"Wow." I said in shock.

"Have you never been in a Limo either?" He asked.

"Nope, so lets goooooo!" I screamed while pulling him towards the black, shiny limo.

"OK!" He said and started running and I ran next to him.

He let go of my hand and opened the door for me and held it open so I could get in first.

I climbed in (being careful to keep my skirt down at all times) and he climbed in after me.

(Blaze's outfit= )

"So, why do you never go out to dinner?" He asked

"Your not going to judge me if I tell you about my parents are you?" I asked cautiously.

"No I promise that I won't judge." He said solumly.

"My mum died while giving birth to me. When my mum died my dad got depressed and he would leave me alone at our house while he went out to drink. But one day I think that the pain of my mothers death got too much for him because I woke up one morning when I was 6 and I needed the toilet so I got out of bed. I found that the door was locked so I figured that my dad was just going to the toilet so I waited outside. I waited for 3 hours before I went to my neighbour's house. They called the fire department and they opened the toilet and fund that he had slit his wrists in the bath and I was taken into care." I said close to tears but I knew that tears showed weakness so I stopped myself before I cried.

Irresistable (Niall Horan fan fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ