Chapter 11

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Edgeli Addison

"You know your shift finished like an hour ago, right?" Teo asked me as he walked into the marina office.

"Some weekender showed up last minute and wanted to take his boat out with a load barely legal locals so I've been doing the logs," I told him, "like those girls have never been on a boat before," I muttered to myself, making notes in the logbooks about what happened during my shift, "also my replacement hasn't show up yet," I realised, getting up from the desk to see if I could spot Reggie on the docks, like maybe he'd shown up and seen me filling in the log books but left me to it to go do stuff on the marina but he wasn't.

"Who's replacing you?" He asked me.

"The Akers kid," I said and I spotted him only now walking onto the dock, "me and Owen need to have a word," I decided and sighed before turning to my boyfriend, and noticing he had brought me flowers. "How was your day?" I asked him and kissed him.

"Why did I become an elementary school teacher?" He asked me.

"Because you wanted to give something back," I suggested and Reggie finally appeared in the marina office.

"You know you're not supposed to have civilians in here," he tried to chastise me.

"And my shift was supposed to end an hour ago," I countered, "so you want to call Owen or shall I?" I challenged him.

"Nah it's good," he decided and I handed him the log book, staring him down.

"Vamos E, vámonos antes de que empieces una pelea con este chico," Teo told me, pulling me back from up in Reggie's personal space.

"I don't know why that kid works on that marina, he's not a sailor in anyway," I complained to Teo as we walked down the dock.

"Not everyone was raised on the waves like you were, E," he pointed out to me.

"Yeah but if a TA showed up an hour late?" I asked him.

"I'd give them one chance then report it," he told me.

"So it's time to report it," I said and got my phone out to text Owen. "I've given him three chances," I said and composed my text.

'Me: Third time Reggie Akers has been late when his shift is after mine'

"You going to snap out of work mode or are you going to stay out on the marina in your mind all night?" Teo asked me.

"Not on the marina," I decided, "so where are we going tonight?" I asked him.

"We are going to go get loaded fries from Martie's and sneak it into the drive-in to watch Waterworld," he informed me of his very excellent plan so I kissed the man for knowing me so well.

"I love you, Teo Valdez," I said when I stopped making out with his face.

"I love you too, Edgeli Addison."

It felt good hearing those words and it felt right saying them. The feeling of how good telling Teo I loved him made me realise how wrong saying it to Skye had actually felt.

We picked up our order at Martie's and got into the movie. Waterworld was my favourite movie of all times and I would kick ass in a post apocalyptic drowned planet, which was the way we were heading anyway so I was golden.

"So you go on charter tomorrow," Teo said when the movie ended.

"And I'm apparently heading the stew crew, which means no helping out on deck," I told him and I was a little disappointed but it was an off season 2 day charter on a small yacht so it wasn't like either crew were going to be big anyway so I could handle being chief stew for a couple days with one other stewardess.

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