Chapter 2

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Edgeli Addison

I could hear people talking about me, about the fact I'd only come back after he'd died to get his money when he had none. I felt like I was being judged just because I managed to escape this town and they didn't.

"You okay there?" Lola asked me, handing me a coffee.

"How did you end up working for him?" I asked her, "my father, you never seemed like the kind of person who'd end up as an accountant at a run down independent hotel," I added, not meaning to be mean but I was genuinely curious about it.

"EJ asked me for a favour, called me the morning after your dad died and asked me for help to sort out the books, I'm currently not working on anything so I agreed," she explained and there was a gap in that story that she clearly thought was filled, "oh wow, you really haven't kept up with anyone, have you?" She asked me.

"I left this place and didn't look back, I don't know that I ever would have if EJ hadn't called me home," I told her and she decided not to bring up that particular raw wound at my father's funeral, choosing to fill in the gap instead.

"I'm a forensic accountant, I consult with the local PD and with the FBI," she explained and I was impressed.

"Not just another trapped local then," I said and took a sip of my coffee.

"I left Neptune Waters for a few years but I didn't go far enough to resist the pull back," she said and I understood what she meant that. I knew if I'd stayed on the west coast then I would have ended up back in Neptune Waters.

"That's why you've got to change coasts and leave the country for half the year every year," I told her.

"Never would have pictured you being a stewardess, Edge," she told me, "you were so combative and angry when you left, I didn't know how you'd end up," she said and I was angry when I left, looking for trouble to hide from my feelings.

"I made it to Florida and I needed work that paid well and found the ad for a charter company, so I put in my CV, lied about my age to work nights, and got my first job aboard the Superyacht Serene Star," I told her and it was the best decision I ever made.

"Did you really not stay in touch with anyone?" Lola asked me as the gossips started circling, listening in on our conversation.

"I decided cut all ties the day I left, staying in touch with people would have made it harder to abandon the life of Edgeli Addison and fully embrace being EJ the yachting steward," I said and I needed a break from the eyes. "I need to get some air," I said and just walked out of the function room.

I didn't normally smoke but today had been stressful so I'd picked up a pack in the morning on the way back from my run. "If Red saw you smoking, he would kill you," EJ said, "after he asked for one," he added and gestured for the packet of cigarettes.

"If Red saw me smoking, he would kill my former boyfriend because I only used to smoke to impress him," I countered and handed him the lighter.

"Want to hear was the gossip mill has been saying about you?" He asked me once he'd lit up.

"Sure, can't be any worse than what I overheard old Ms Guthrie declare as fact," I said and leaned against the wall, looking out at the ocean, "Neptune Waters may be a spirit draining place but damn if that isn't the best ocean view in the states," I muttered and took a drag.

"Niedlemeyer thinks you're back for some hidden fortune of mom's that Dad was keeping from us, Abby Franklin has been telling people you ran off because you were secretly pregnant and your boyfriend wasn't the father and you never returned because you were too ashamed to face him," he started listing, "my personal favourite is Javi and King's theory that you were in witsec for seeing some rich connected Weekender on a killing spree," he added and that was at least kind of original.

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