Chapter 9

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Teodoro Valdez

"This was fun, we should have staff movie nights more often," Deena commented as she put on her coat with help from George.

"But next time, let's not let Aggie pick the movie," George added and he made a good point. She really had picked a terrible movie for movie night.

"Hey! Never been kissed is a great film," Aggie tried to argue but none of us were having it. "Whatever but if you try to make me watch a horror film, I will haunt your dreams until you cannot sleep," Aggie warned him.

"Fair enough," George agreed, "you sure we can't give you a lift home? I don't mind," George checked with Aggie.

"It's fine, the bus will be along in fifteen minutes anyway," she assured him, "plus I can help Teo clean up whilst I wait," she added and I appreciated that but Edge was supposed to be coming over in around ten minutes and I didn't want Aggie hanging around when she showed up.

"You keep watching the door," Aggie commented. "Are you expecting someone?" She asked me. Aggie didn't know my history with Edge because she wasn't from Neptune Waters.

"Just don't want you to miss your bus," I said and moved to the window, hoping that Edge wasn't here just yet.

"Would that be so bad?" She asked me, stepping closer to me. She kissed me and I pushed her off.

"What the hell?" I asked her.

"I just thought...I like you a lot, and I've never seen you really date anyone since we've met so I thought that maybe..." she tried to explain.

"Because I am and always have been in love with Edge Addison," I told her, trying to wipe the feeling of her from my mouth. "Please just leave my house," I demanded and she hurried out the door.

It always felt wrong when I tried dating someone and kissed them because they weren't Edge, and this felt even worse. I'd been kiss ambushed by someone I'd considered a friend when I was waiting to see Edge.

It started to rain and she hadn't shown up yet. I got my phone out to call either King or Javi; she'd been working with them today on the lunch rush then into the afternoon and might have gotten caught up in the dinner rush too. I called King since he'd actually answer.

"Yo, not a good time T," he told me.

"Is Edge with you?" I asked him.

"She's supposed to be with you," he said, "left hours ago," he added, "is she not with you?" He asked me.

"She was supposed to be here like half an hour ago, and she hasn't texted to say she's late or anything," I told him.

"And the weather is getting worse," he added, "that girl feels storms like nobody's business," he said, "she was nervous about going over, worried you'd moved on," he told me and my heart fell out of my chest.

"Agatha kissed me, and I think Edge saw," I told him.

"Oh dude...that's not good, and she'll have gone into self preservation mode," King said and that meant looking all over town to find her. I grabbed my coat and keys, heading out to go find her so I could explain what happened, that I wasn't moving on and I only wanted to be with her.

"She won't have gone home and I doubt she'd risk running into Owen at the dock," I said and pulled the door shut behind me, "I'll text you when I find her," I told him and hung up. I pulled up my hood and headed out into the rain to go find her.

She wasn't anywhere in Little Mexico or any of the usual hang out spots from back then. I was running out of ideas on where to find this woman. Until it hit me, the park we had our first kiss. It was really throwing it down now and she wouldn't have brought a coat with her because she's Edgeli Addison and assumed she'd be inside when the rain hit.

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