Chapter 7

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Edgeli Addison

I unlocked the door to the apartment and walked in, tossing my weekend bag onto the couch. There was noise coming from the bedroom, which was weird because no one was supposed to be here. Skye had probably gotten back from the boat he was on and was sorting out his stuff.

Then it happened.

I walked in on my long term live in boyfriend cheating on me in our bed. "What the fuck?!" I yelled without letting any part of my brain filter the words coming out of my mouth, causing him to throw the girl on top of him onto the floor. I didn't know how else to react to what I'd seen other than to ask that.

"Shit, uh EJ...I can explain this..." he tried and he knew he couldn't talk his way out of this. He'd been caught with his dick out or rather his dick in someone else.

"Get dressed and get out of my apartment," I demanded of them both but in a scarily calm voice; it was more threatening than an angry voice would be. They both left and I just sat in the lounge evaluating my life choices. I'd been so focused on moving forwards that I hadn't noticed what was happening in the present. Now I stopped and thought about it, there were signs that Skye had been cheating on me before now but I'd been so focused on my future life with him that I hadn't noticed all the red flags until I actually had real distance from him and wasn't working my ass of on a charter.

There was a knock on the door and I answered it, against my better judgment but I knew it wasn't Skye because he wouldn't be so stupid to show back up at the apartment right after I caught him cheating. It was the girl who'd been on top of my boyfriend. "I didn't know he had a girlfriend," was what she said to me.

"How long have you been seeing my boyfriend?" I asked her, deciding to let her in. I wanted answers, closure of some kind to the end of a relationship I wanted out of just not like this.

"On and off for three years," she told me and I shut the door.

"So as long as we'd been together," I said and leaned against the closed door.

"If I'd known he had a girlfriend..." she started.

"If he was a decent human, he wouldn't have been looking for hook ups when he had a girlfriend," I told her, "this is on him, not you," I said and I was going to pack up what little I had in the apartment, what he had and leave it on the curb and cancel the lease because I was the only name on it.

"Still, I'm a contributing factor," she said, "and I'm sorry," she added and it really wasn't her fault.

"I was planning on moving home anyway, I don't think he would have moved with me to California or maintained a long distance relationship, especially since he's been cheating every time we were on land," I said and leaned on the arm of the couch. I was essentially a free agent again, single for first time since I was eighteen and it was bizarre but I wasn't going to stay single long after I went home hopefully.

"So I guess you got a perfect out," she said, "Riley," she introduced and I had a choice in how I introduced myself in that moment.


"I know I have no real right to ask but what are you going to do next?" She asked me, standing there awkwardly and not knowing what to do with herself.

"I'm cancelling my lease, leaving that piece of cheating scum homeless, and going back home to my family where I belong," I said, "not that I have much here to pack up anyway or anyone I'm really leaving behind," I said, looking around the place. There were very few signs I existed in this space, and stuff that would be easy to hide away if he planned on cheating in our bed like he clearly had been. I'd made it easy for him to cheat on me by not really putting down roots here more than I had to.

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